Jemaine Clement Almost Worked in Advertising. Instead, He Made One of 2019’s Best New Shows
Apple News+ Shows Promise For Publishers
Leveraging User-Level Data: What Mobile Publishers Need To Know
This article is sponsored by MoPub. The use of user-level data is getting a lot of attention in the mobile in-app space today. More app publishers are leveraging paid user acquisition to attract and retain users. To differentiate in an increasingly competitive market, publishers need to be able to identify profitable campaigns from loss-making ones.… Continue reading »
The post Leveraging User-Level Data: What Mobile Publishers Need To Know appeared first on AdExchanger.
A+E Networks Opens Up Audience Targeting to Smaller Marketers Ahead of Upfront
Read It Here First: Reddit Tops $100 Million Ad Mark
fraction of the ad budgets that go to the other big digital media platforms the ad industry seems enamored with, it’s a sign that advertisers and media buyers are finally recognizing what users
— especially younger ones — have known for years: that Reddit is a major player.
The Godfathers of the AI Boom Win the Turing Award
Why Fintech Will Be The Agency Model Of The Future
“Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Carolina Abanente, founder, executive vice chairperson, chief strategy officer and general counsel at NYIAX. Advertising agencies aren’t dying, but neither is the recurring storyline about their demise. Maybe that’s why,… Continue reading »
The post Why Fintech Will Be The Agency Model Of The Future appeared first on AdExchanger.
First-Party Data Matching Comes To Roku; How Marketers Feel About Their Data Prowess
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Down With OTT? Adobe has partnered with Roku to match its clients’ first-party data with Roku’s own user data for programmatic campaigns on the OTT platform. It is the first time the company has made its first-party data accessible to a DSP, though expect… Continue reading »
The post First-Party Data Matching Comes To Roku; How Marketers Feel About Their Data Prowess appeared first on AdExchanger.
Pitch deck: How Twitter is selling ads in 2019
Twitter’s pitch to advertisers centers on its uniqueness among the social apps.
Digiday obtained a recent deck from a U.S. ad agency titled “The Power of Twitter.” The deck highlights Twitter’s two slogans (“What’s happening” and “#StartWithThem”) and includes research about the user base’s receptiveness to launch campaigns. For example, a 2017 Nielsen brand effect study on Twitter found launch campaigns on Twitter “generate a 45 percent increase in sustained awareness,” according to the deck.
“Twitter really homed in on their sweet spot and know where they can have success versus positioning themselves against Facebook. Twitter wanted to do direct response, but now they are more thinking we should do live events, sports, politics and we’ll have enough,” said a media buyer at a global agency.
The post Pitch deck: How Twitter is selling ads in 2019 appeared first on Digiday.