Musi Won Over Millions. Is the Free Music Streaming App Too Good to Be True?

Musi’s free music streaming app is a hit with thrifty teens. The app claims to tap content on YouTube, but some in the music industry question the legitimacy of that model.

Is The Alt Video Currency Juice Worth The Squeeze?

Alternative TV currencies are ready for prime time from a technology standpoint. But media buyers aren’t quite there yet when it comes to adoption, says Josh Chasin, VideoAmp’s former chief measurability officer.

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Amazon Ads Expands Prime Video Interactive Ad Formats

With Amazon Ads’ new interactive TV ad format, viewers can shop multiple product variations on a “shoppable carousel” via their remote control during TV shows and/or movies. This and other new
interactive TV ad formats will be shown to media agency and advertising executives in New York City at Pier 36 during Amazon’s streaming TV upfront presentation on May 14.

Amazon’s Delivery Drones Won’t Fly in Arizona’s Summer Heat

Amazon’s newest delivery drones will take off from just outside Phoenix but don’t count on rush ordering a fan on a hot day. The fleet can’t fly when the temperature exceeds 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

NBCUniversal’s Upfront Pitch Centers On Advanced Audiences And Measurement

NBCUniversal’s upfront pitch centers on advanced audiences, attribution and the fact that it built Peacock with advertising features baked in, rather than retrofitting it to support an AVOD model (unlike newer entrants to the ad-supported streaming competition).

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Why CMOs Keep Turning To Meta; A Ruling In The Google Search Antitrust Case Inches Ever Closer

Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Excuses, Excuses Performance marketers blame two scapegoats for recent downturns in their sales or ROAS. The first is Temu, which has been pouring money into Google and Meta like it’s going out of style. The second excuse is that the Meta ad platform is […]

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CMO Strategies: Marketers say demographic data is most important for ad targeting on streaming platforms

This is the fourth installment in Digiday’s multi-part series covering the top ad-supported streaming services and part of Digiday’s CMO Strategies series. In case you missed it, the first installment provided an overview of the various platforms’ offerings, including pricing and plans, ad options, and new ad formats, along with our methodology. The second installment examined which platforms receive the bulk of marketers’ ad budgets and ad placements. And the third installment uncovered which ad attributes matter the most to marketers on streaming platforms.

Advertisers lean on demographic and geographic first-party data for ad targeting

When advertising on ad-supported streaming platforms, marketers have to determine the types of audiences they want to reach and what types of audience data are most important to have to achieve their goals. 

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More companies like Continental, EY are offering employees a chance to work abroad to retain them

This story was originally published on sister site, WorkLife.

A growing swell of organizations are offering their employees the chance to work abroad for a year or more. Their goal: boost staff retention while providing ample opportunities for dispersed workers to connect in person.

Organizations like car manufacturer Continental and EY are among them. And some of the companies offering this have found themselves placed in LinkedIn’s recently announced 2024 Top Companies list.

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Marketing Briefing: As the Google antitrust trial wraps, marketers weigh future of paid search ad spend

As the Google antitrust case comes to a close — lawyers for both Google and the Department of Justice made their closing arguments last week and now await a verdict — there’s a spotlight on Google Search and paid search advertising in general.

The impact on paid search may be unclear, but marketers and agency execs believe that regardless of the outcome of the case the future of search will be a more fragment and that brands will have to adapt as they follow shifting consumer search trends. 

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