United Airlines Salutes Winter Olympians, and Its Own Employees, as Superheroes in New Ads

Air Raider. Arctic Angel. King Quad. Storm Tamer. Winged Wonder. These are some of the “superheroes” appearing in mcgarrbowen’s new United Airlines campaign ahead of the 2018 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, next month. We’re not talking about marvels (or even Marvels) who leap tall buildings in a single bound, spin…

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Snapchat Is Making App Install Ads More Targeted With Deep Links

Snapchat’s ad-tech pipes are getting a little deeper. For advertisers that run ads that promote app installs (by prompting users to swipe on the screen to download an app), brands can now deep link their campaigns that prompt consumers to re-engage with specific features of the app. Used by various app marketers on platforms like…

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Industry Preview: FCC Commish O’Rielly Defends The End Of Net Neutrality, But The Debate Rages On

AdExchanger |

Should brands be wary of the net neutrality rollback? Republican FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly aimed to put their minds at ease at AdExchanger’s Industry Preview in New York on Wednesday. The FCC, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, voted along party lines to repeal net neutrality in mid-December. The worry is that without rules to disallowContinue reading »

The post Industry Preview: FCC Commish O’Rielly Defends The End Of Net Neutrality, But The Debate Rages On appeared first on AdExchanger.

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They’re Waiting Longer, but U.S. Women Today More Likely to Have Children Than a Decade Ago

The share of U.S. women at the end of their childbearing years who have ever given birth was higher in 2016 than it had been 10 years earlier.

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Traditional TV Media Buyers Scratch Heads As Google Cracks Down On Unsafe Video

Agency execs have increasingly used Google Preferred channels to supplement broadcast, cable and national syndication upfront buys. But that level of inventory looks to be shrinking.

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Is U.S. fertility at an all-time low? It depends

There are three main ways to measure fertility. None of them is “right” or “wrong,” but each tells a different story about when births bottomed out.

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Amazon Narrows Choices for Second Headquarters to 20

Amazon named 20 metropolitan areas as finalists for its second headquarters after reviewing 238 proposals from across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. New York, Chicago, Columbus, Ohio, and Indianapolis are among the choices.

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Facebook And Google Dominate As Video Ads Grow

According to Salesforce’s Digital Advertising 2020 Report, which the company officially unveiled Thursday morning, 65% of companies increased their video advertising budgets over the past year. And
52% of advertisers are choosing to produce their video ads in-house

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3 Ways Voice AI Will Change the Way We Shop in 2018

I’ve seen the rise of mobile and omnichannel retail from within the industry. Ten years ago, when I worked at Walmart.com, Amazon was becoming a powerhouse beyond books and Walmart was redesigning its delivery network in response to rising ecommerce sales. When I was at Apple in 2011, the company was redefining the concept of…

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These Cheeky Ads From Haiti Hope to Use Trump’s Words Against Him

President Trump’s comments referring to certain nations, including Haiti, as “shitholes” provoked widespread anger and outrage. But one agency creative in the Caribbean nation is working on a more lighthearted response–raising money to run out-of-home and print ads in Washington, D.C., that aim to use Trump’s words against him to boost the image of Haiti….

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