Volvo Shows the Nightmare of Consumerism and Says Maybe You Shouldn’t Buy Your Next Car

Against the backdrop of the world’s looming environmental disaster, as well as the advent of self-driving cars, Volvo has unleashed a bleak yet grand new global commercial in which it sees a future where people no longer buy cars–but subscribe to them instead. The 2:30 spot, by Swedish agency Forsman & Bodenfors, opens with an…

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2018: Mediapalooza II?

Pitch activity has gotten off to a unusually strong start this year as marketers continue to focus on their advertising ROI. But as Procter & Gamble is demonstrating, there are other ways to maximize
return from marketing dollars as well.

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Obit: Author, Ad Creative Peter Mayle Dies At 78

Peter Mayle, author of “A Year in Provence,” also wrote a book titled “Up the Agency” that took the agency business apart.

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Inaccurate Data Still Holding Back Marketers

The biggest mistake companies make is not factoring in the cost of bad data. Only 17% of companies factor in the cost of bad data when calculating return on investments, according to the findings of a
report from Radius and “Harvard Business Review.”

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Nielsen To Track Instagram Videos With Social Content Ratings

With Instagram measured alongside Facebook and Twitter, Nielsen now tracks video and content viewership across three of the largest social networks.

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Havas Group Acquires German PR Firm DAA

The PR shop and the holding company have been aligned for several years. In 2016 DAA became the exclusive German partner of AMO Global, Havas Group’s worldwide corporate and financial communications

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The Lesson of Facebook’s Hammer Drop? Build a Community, Not an Audience

Last week, Mark Zuckerberg announced a massive shift in what Facebook’s 2 billion users will see on their news feeds: fewer posts from businesses and media companies, and more from friends and family. It’s a change that Zuckerberg says is a direct result of community feedback that “public content–posts from businesses, brands, and media–is crowding…

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As Super Bowl LII Approaches, Twitter Reflects on the NFL Season

Loved, hated, respected, but definitely not ignored: New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was the most mentioned National Football League player during the 2017 season, at more than 3 million mentions. The Patriots will take on the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII Feb. 4, and despite suffering a season-ending injury Dec. 10, Eagles quarterback…

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