Key trends shaping technology in 2017

In the past year, Pew Research Center has explored a range of tech-related topics in the news – from online harassment to fake news to net neutrality.  Here are some key findings from our research on these and other technology issues. Online harassment Lawmakers, advocates and social media companies have been looking into ways to curtail […]

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10 things we learned about gender issues in the U.S. in 2017

Allegations about sexual misconduct by prominent men in politics, entertainment, media and other industries have reverberated across the United States in recent months, drawing attention to issues of gender equality in the workplace and in broader American society. As 2017 comes to a close, here are 10 key findings about gender issues that are in […]

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Hispanic Identity Fades Across Generations as Immigrant Connections Fall Away

High intermarriage rates and declining immigration are changing how some Americans with Hispanic ancestry see their identity. Most U.S. adults with Hispanic ancestry self-identify as Hispanic, but 11%, or 5 million, do not.

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From #MAGA to #MeToo: A look at U.S. public opinion in 2017

A look back at the events that defined 2017 and what public opinion can tell us about the important trends shaping American society.

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Most Americans Say Trump’s Election Has Led to Worse Race Relations in the U.S.

Nearly a year into Donald Trump’s presidency, a majority of Americans (60%) say his election has led to worse race relations in the United States.

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Far more Americans say there are strong conflicts between partisans than between other groups in society

Americans are far more likely to say there are strong conflicts between Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. today than to say the same for other groups.

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8% of Americans say they own a drone, while more than half have seen one in operation

While drones have become more prevalent, many Americans have reservations about where and under what circumstances their use should be allowed.

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