The CDP Is Only One Component Of The New Approach To Addressability

“Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Nancy Marzouk, CEO at MediaWallah. When you have a big, ugly end date staring you in the face, it makes sense to focus on it. And that’s what brands didContinue reading »

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Comic: “The power of data-driven attribution compels you!”

A weekly comic strip from that highlights the digital advertising ecosystem…

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Mediabrands Thinks It Has The Kii; Will Apple Let Safari Free?

Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Kii To Success? As the ad industry struggles to come up with solutions to its identity crisis, Kinesso, IPG’s data and technology unit, claims it has the key … ahem, the Kii. That’s what Kinesso is calling its new identity offering. In a worldContinue reading »

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How Gen Z is handling the workplace generation divide, and how it can be fixed

While the pandemic has upended business for everybody, the generation gap between Gen Z and their more seasoned colleagues — when it comes to everything from job satisfaction and work travel to the age of their bosses — has remained a constant.

A recent survey from Adobe underscores many of the differences between workers across generations, suggesting that disaffected Gen Z employees are the primary drivers of The Great Resignation and the massive turnover being felt by so many companies.

Even though they’ve spent fewer years in the workforce, more than half of Gen Z respondents in the Adobe study said they planned to pursue a new job in the next year. Among all groups, this generation was also the least satisfied with work-life balance (56%) and their jobs overall (59%). They also said they felt the most pressure to work during regular office hours (62 percent), despite one-quarter of respondents saying they actually do their best work during times outside the standard 9-5. Nearly half of Gen Z respondents revealed that they often work from bed.

Pointing to the Adobe study, the Toronto-based CX firm Ada said it has worked to fix the generational divide, having offered, since long before the pandemic, the kind of workplace flexibility younger workers demand. The company pointed out, for example, that its more than 300 employees are given unlimited paid time off, no questions asked. Ada also instituted companywide PTO days to observe events like “National Strawberry Ice Cream Day,” all to make sure staffers take a breather now and then.

“Flexibility and autonomy are increasingly part of the values evaluation process for employees, and for our Gen Z and millennials, they continue to focus on values alignment as an important part of how they choose an employer,” said Chelsea MacDonald, senior vp of operations at Ada. “They’re savvy evaluators, and these groups will continue to reward companies that align with their values and punish those that don’t.”

Younger generations also have strong feelings about business travel, according to a recent survey from SAP Concur, which sees the issue as yet another factor in talent retention — or resignation.

While overall nearly one-third (31%) of business travelers globally said they would limit travel if their companies did not implement policies or measures to protect their health and safety, more than half (56%) of Gen Z and millennial workers said they would go so far as to ask to limit their travel if their well-being were not made a priority. In the U.S., 48% of Gen Z respondents said they would search for a new job if it meant they had to travel for work under circumstances they deemed unacceptable.

Communication is also elemental to Gen Z’s positive views of the workplace. Another report, this one from GetApp, noted that millennials and Gen Z list good communication as a primary attribute they look for in a boss. Compared to about half of millennials, 69% of Gen Z employees said they wanted managers to mentor them and give them regular feedback. “In other words, Gen Z wants to know where they stand at all times, and it’s on company leaders and mentors to let them know,” GetApp principal analyst Brian Westfall explained.

Jessica Nordlander, COO of ThoughtExchange, a British Columbia-based enterprise discussion management platform, emphasized the importance of a diverse communications strategy to help prevent workplace turnover, including among Gen Z staffers.

The demand of younger employees to be seen and heard — driven in large part by social media — has only grown amid the virtual environment of the pandemic, Norlander observed, noting that her company’s business, which is centered around worker feedback, has grown 600% during the global health crisis. “If you look at that generation and what they expect in regard to technology in the workplace and the ability to be heard and to communicate, they’re not willing to live with a smaller space for their voice compared to what they’re used to in their daily lives,” she said. “Leaders need to open their eyes to that.”

The latest research also reveals Gen Z views about bosses of different generations.

The bottom line? Older bosses are in.

A survey of nearly 1,200 workers by West Chester, Pa.-based information technology company Skynova found that millennials are much more likely to prefer an older boss (58%) versus boomers (31%). Overall, a majority of survey respondents (55%) said they preferred an older boss, compared to fewer than 20% who prefer managers who are younger than they are.

The survey revealed positive attributes for both younger and older bosses, with younger bosses seen as more organized and better at communicating, while older bosses are credited with being good listeners and more adept at providing feedback.

Generational peers, meanwhile, can make for difficult boss-employee connections. Dealings between managers and staff whose ages are within 3 years of each other report the most tension, according to the survey. As Melody Kasulis, creative strategist at Skynova, put it: “There are clearly both positive and negative impacts of age disparities between workers and bosses, but just knowing where younger and older bosses are falling short sheds a lot of light on how age dynamics are at play in the modern workplace.”

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‘Make it an inclusive community’: KYX World is aiming to be Rent the Runway for sneaker fans

KYX World, a subscription service for sneakerheads à la Rent the Runway, is looking to pitch millennials and Gen Z on its service as a way to access impossible-to-find limited-edition sneakers from brands like Adidas, Nike and more.

In recent years, those limited-edition sneakers have sold out quickly and then resold on the secondary markets for two or three times the original cost of the sneakers, making them less accessible to the average customer, explained Jeff Staple, creative director and investor in KYX World. The subscription service is aiming to solve that problem by giving its customers the chance to rent the sneakers they desire and swap them out when they’re tired of them to grab the next hot pair.

“We’re trying to take an industry that’s traditionally exclusive and make it an inclusive community,” said Brian Mupo, co-founder and CEO of KYX World. “We want [people] to look at these sneakers as opportunities to have an experience. The reality is that when you put the shoes on you feel confident and comfortable — that’s experiential. We want to make sure our customer is having those feelings as opposed to seeing the sneaker as an asset.”  

Since its soft launch in December 2020, the service has had double-digit growth in subscribers month-over-month. It’s unclear how much exactly the company has grown as it declined to share exact subscriber figures. That said, Mupo did share that its subscribers are currently 75% male and 25% female and KYX World is aiming to grow its female subscriber base.

“We do spend a fair amount of our advertising dollars on acquiring female subscribers,” said Mupo, adding that the company isn’t looking to just speak solely to sneakerheads but younger, more fashion-forward people. “They’re the faster of the two in growth. They’re growing at a much more rapid pace than their male counterparts.” 

The subscription service is investing in digital marketing to pitch its target on access to rare sneakers. The company declined to share how much exactly it spends on media but Mupo did say “have increased the budget pretty substantially month-over-month somewhere between 25-50%.”

Currently, KYX is spending between 60-70% of the media budget on Facebook and Instagram, 20-25% on Google search and display and the remaining 10% on other social media whether that’s YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter or Pinterest.

“Instagram is a strong performer for us so we will continue to place emphasis there,” said Mupo. “As TikTok becomes a more advertiser-friendly platform, we will endeavor upon more spending there. We certainly look at the data to guide our spend decisions as well as what messaging lands.”

The concept makes sense to industry analysts. “Swapping when you want is something people are really leaning toward,” said Nik Sharma, DTC investor and founder of Sharma Brands. “From what we saw during COVID, apparel and outerwear sales went through the roof, and tons of brands that focused on personalized style really broke out, versus those who print the same things over and over.”

That said, relying on Facebook and Instagram is something analysts say will likely need to change going forward.

“I don’t know that Facebook and Instagram will stay as effective for them,” said Sharma. “From what we’ve seen working with our portfolio, TikTok is gaining more spend, and bringing an overall younger demographic, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have older demos in there. Any reliance on a particular platform is not really acceptable today. You must be omnichannel, and not reliant on a single-pixel or tactic.”

While the company is focusing on Instagram now, it will likely follow wherever its consumers are spending their time as the service is looking to its subscribers to define the brand. “A lot of our paid content comes from our community, our subscribers, influencers and ambassadors. I believe that will be the hallmark of differentiating factors here,” said Mupo.

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Digital Challenger Starling Thinks You Should Break Up With Your Old Bank

In recent years, a wave of digital challenger banks has disrupted the U.K.’s banking sector, but many of those brands are still struggling to gain consumer trust. Now, as the Covid-19 pandemic accelerates the take-up of digital banking services, challenger Starling Bank has set out to convince more customers that it can go up against…