No, Whole Foods Did Not Name Mitch McConnell Person of the Year

In addition to sharing wine pairings and hacks for a stress-free Thanksgiving with its 4.4 million followers, Amazon’s upscale grocery chain Whole Foods Market had to repeatedly clarify over the long weekend that it did not name Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell its 2019 Person of the Year. It was the monthly trade magazine WholeFoods…

The Biggest Black Friday Ever Saw $7.4B in Online Sales

The 2019 holiday shopping season is finally underway with $7.4 billion in online sales on Black Friday, marking 19.6% growth year-over-year (YOY). That’s according to figures from data provider Adobe, and puts Black Friday 2019 $500,000 behind Cyber Monday 2018, which holds the record for the biggest day in U.S. ecommerce to date. Adobe forecasts…

Thanksgiving Sales Surpass $4B, Showing Nothing is Sacred Anymore

In 2015, outdoor retailer REI launched its #OptOutside campaign, in which it closed all stores on Black Friday so employees could spend the day outdoors. Four years ago, closing on Black Friday was a bold concept. By 2019, however, not even Thanksgiving Day is exempt from end-of-year retail madness as U.S. consumers spent a record-setting…

NBCU Amps Up On-Air Promos To Boost ‘Tonight Show’

NBCU has aired some 365 on-air promos on its networks and programs in the last month, pulling in 416.3 million impressions from Oct. 25 to Nov. 25, according to — almost 37% of the 985 total
on-air promos aired over the past year for the show. A year ago during the same period, the “Tonight” show had a total of 60 on-air promos, all on the NBC TV network — pulling in some 276 million