How Alibaba is positioning itself to crack Amazon’s dominance

Early last summer, Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group, flew to Detroit to deliver a keynote in his company’s first-ever conference in the U.S. His pitch to over 3,000 conference attendees: E-commerce is booming in China, and Alibaba can help small-to-medium businesses oversea tap into that opportunity.

Ma, who has cast himself in his own kung fu movie, is not yet a household name in the U.S. like Silicon Valley tech titans. But Alibaba’s eye-popping growth — it rang up $25 billion in sales over Singles Day in November — makes Ma as the one force, outside of government intervention, that could smash the chokehold of Amazon. When pitching international brands, Ma and his team position Alibaba as a helper that bridges the gap between western sellers and Asian consumers, as the name of its conference indicates. They emphasize that different from Amazon, Alibaba doesn’t tightly hold consumer data, create its own private labels, or keep any inventory. As more and more brands in the U.S. are bristling at Amazon’s dominance, Alibaba could become a silver lining.

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Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Aenean quam. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.

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The post How Alibaba is positioning itself to crack Amazon’s dominance appeared first on Digiday.

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