McDonald’s Flipped Its Famed Golden Arches for International Women’s Day

McDonald’s made a major play to celebrate International Women’s Day this year, taking its famed golden arches and turning them upside down across social media and at an owner-operated location in Lynwood, Calif. “In celebration of women everywhere, and for the first time in our brand history, we flipped our iconic arches for International Women’s…

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A Day In The (Media) Life Of An American Woman

In recognition of International Women’s Day, Nielsen has provided a snapshot of the time the average American woman spends with media. Live TV remains their largest source of media consumption, with
an average of 4 hours daily. From 2015 to present, she has consistently spent an average of around 30-plus minutes per day with time-shifted TV.

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Godfathers of Chinese Tech Get an Offer They Can’t Refuse

In China’s tech world, cheerleading from the government comes with a lot of benefits—and a lot of money. But Beijing also wants more control and the nation’s internet billionaires can’t exactly say no.

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How The 300×250 Became The Most Common — And Fraudulent — ‘Video’ Ad Unit

Through ingenuity, cunning and outright fraud, the 300×250 ad has become one of the most common video ad units sold via programmatic ad exchanges.

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It’s Still a Tide Ad: Revisiting Saatchi’s Super Bowl Campaign, a Month Later

A month after their clever, amusing, meta ads won Super Bowl LII, Tide and Saatchi & Saatchi New York are still basking in the afterglow. For a brand that was struggling mightily with the headache of the so-called “Tide Pod challenge” in the weeks leading up to the game, Super Bowl Sunday was the kind…

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North Korea Suspected in Cyberattack on Turkey

Suspected North Korean hackers blitzed Turkish financial institutions and a government organization March 2 and 3, gathering intelligence for a future heist, cyber researcher McAfee says.

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3 Ways Social Media Customer Service Impacts the Bottom Line

Great social media customer service has a strong impact on a business’ bottom line. Done well, it means customers will spend more, it improves efficiency and it generates data that you can use to improve services and benchmark against your competitors. Done poorly, and you will be faced with spending precious resources digging your brand…

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Cartoon Network’s Upfront Slate Focuses on Diversity and Multiplatform Offerings

When it comes to the kids upfront, Cartoon Network doesn’t throw big events like competitors Disney and Nickelodeon. Instead, the network prefers to let its slate do the talking. And as Cartoon Network president Christina Miller and her team participate in their annual upfront roadshow, they are sharing a lineup of new animated series, podcasts…

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Newspapers’ Next Strategy: A Push To Find TV Carriage-Fee Model

Much of the current newspaper content on Facebook, Google and Twitter could be characterized in terms of its promotional value. But that doesn’t help newspapers pay the bills when print ad revs endure
steady double-digit percentage declines. Maybe they need a TV retrans revenue model.

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