TV’s Share of Ad Spend Expected to Continue Its Decline This Year

Cord-cutting and related trends are continuing to fuel a decline in TV ad spending. A new eMarketer forecast shows U.S. TV ad spend declining by half a percent in 2018 to $69.87 billion. This will bring TV’s share of ad spend down to less than a third of U.S. ad revenue in 2018, falling from…

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Former PepsiCo Exec Brad Jakeman on What’s Driving So Many Kendall Jenner-like Brand Faux Pas

Brad Jakeman, senior advisor and consultant for PepsiCo and the former president of PepsiCo’s Global Beverage Group, is no stranger to controversy as the head of the in-house creative group responsible for one of the biggest brand fails of 2017. At the Advertising Research Foundation’s annual conference on Tuesday, Jakeman sat down with ARF president…

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Roseanne Has the Last Laugh, Drawing 18.2 Million Viewers in Its Return

If any network executives were still on the fence about the ratings potential of a well-timed revival, the gargantuan numbers from Roseanne’s return on ABC last night should put the matter to rest. The hour-long premiere of Roseanne in its former Tuesday 8 p.m. time slot garnered a whopping 18.2 million viewers and a 5.1…

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Facebook Revamped Its Privacy Tools in Its Latest Move to Pacify Users

Facebook’s efforts to save face after the Cambridge Analytica data scandal continued with Wednesday’s announcement of a cleanup of its privacy tools. Vice president and chief privacy officer Erin Egan and vp and deputy general counsel Ashlie Beringer announced in a Newsroom post that Facebook took several steps to make its privacy settings easier for…

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Holding Companies Are in Flux, Which May Lead to Less Diverse Portfolios

What is a holding company, and where did they come from in the advertising space? I saw the development of holding companies firsthand as a young advertising executive working for Dancer Fitzgerald Sample (DFS) in New York in the mid-1980s. At that time, DFS was New York’s largest agency and one of the most prestigious…

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Most Poles accept Jews as fellow citizens and neighbors, but a minority do not

While most adults in Poland say they are willing to accept Jews as fellow citizens, neighbors and family members, almost one-in-five take the opposite position.

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LinkedIn: Here’s How to Change Your Active Status

LinkedIn’s Active Status feature allows users to see when their connections are actively on LinkedIn or available to contact on mobile. If you don’t want your own active status to be displayed, our guide will show you how to change your active status from within the LinkedIn mobile application. Note: These screenshots were captured in…

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Report: Trump Goes After Amazon, Stock Declines

The President believes Amazon is hurting shopping malls and brick-and-mortar retail businesses. He also has issues with its CEO Jeff Bezos, who also owns ‘The Washington Post.’

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Americans Overwhelmingly Concerned About Cambridge Analytica’s Use Of Facebook Data During 2016 Election

American Internet users are overwhelmingly concerned with recent reports that Cambridge Analytica abused the data of Facebook users to influence the 2016 Presidential election, according to findings
of a nationally representative survey conducted by the equities research team at Raymond James. Three in four of the respondents said they were concerned, and 43% characterized their response as “very

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CBS Wins Week With Stormy Daniels, March Madness

For the week ending March 25, CBS’ prime-time average viewers came to 7.5 million. NBC was at 5.3 million viewers, ABC was at 4.8 million viewers and Fox came in at 2.7 million viewers.

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