As influencer contracts become more convoluted and extensive, the need for legal counsel is increasing.
Enter Hashtag Legal, a law firm that represents influencers, influencer agencies, platforms and brands as they navigate the evolving world of influencer marketing. Lawyer Jamie Lieberman launched the firm with co-founder Danielle Liss in 2016 because they saw a need in the industry for attorneys who understand the business.
This is what a typical day looks like for Lieberman, lightly edited.
7 a.m.: I wake up, and then check my emails and Facebook. Many of my clients are influencers and like to communicate through Facebook Messenger. I respond to any emails or messages that I can handle quickly and flag the rest for later.
7:15 a.m.: By now, my kids are getting up and ready to go, so it is time for mom mode. The kids eat breakfast and get dressed, while I pack lunches and get backpacks ready. We are out the door by 8 a.m. to walk to school.
8:30 a.m.: After I drop off the kids, I head to the gym for a workout, which I try to do every morning. Typically, my days are heavily scheduled, so this is the one hour of the day that is just for me. After my workout, I grab a coffee at my favorite local coffee shop and send my business partner, Danielle, an update while I head to work.
9:45 a.m.: I have my first client call of the day, on Skype. We talk about negotiating an employment agreement. My law practice is virtual and I work from home, so we frequently rely on Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts.
10 a.m.: I turn to my email and start to respond to ones that came in overnight and in the morning. I realize I haven’t eaten anything yet, so I grab a bowl of oatmeal.
11 a.m.: I receive an email from a client about an emergent contract review. The client has a deal to create sponsored content for a brand, and they need an agreement that will detail the arrangement, including deliverables, ownership of deliverables, timing and payment. I review the contract, make revisions and send it back to the client. My paralegal then flags an issue, which turns into a phone call and a complete redraft.
12:30 p.m.: The contract is finished, so I grab a quick salad at Trader Joe’s. Then, I check out Facebook and respond to a few messages while sneaking in a few looks at cat memes. Can you ever look at enough cat memes?
1:15 p.m.: My client calls to confirm they are happy with the contract. I celebrate with a snack — a clementine — and then sneak in a few more emails before my next appointment.
2 p.m.: I appear on a Facebook Live with Danielle to talk for a digital information initiative called Agency in Your Inbox, where 18 experts provide information for entrepreneurs about growing and protecting their businesses. We speak about how to work with and hire an attorney, some of the common pitfalls that entrepreneurs face, and common trademark, copyright and contract issues we see in our practice.
2:30 p.m.: I review research from my associate for a client project about the new European Union privacy laws. Research makes me hungry, so I grab some pretzels.
4 p.m.: I have another Facebook Live appointment. I speak with the director of education for BlogPaws, a conference that focuses on pet bloggers. I’m speaking at their annual event in April about trademarks and copyright, and this Facebook Live is to promote the session. I tell the viewers why legal is awesome and definitely not scary. Seriously, it’s not.
5 p.m.: The kids get home from school, and I come out of my office to talk about their days. We have an amazing babysitter who picks them up from school, and I chat with her a bit, too. My older son starts his homework, while my younger son shows me the prize he picked from the treasure box because he had a good day.
5:30 p.m.: I finish up a few emails and start to prepare dinner, while the kids get their 30 minutes of screen time. On the menu tonight: chicken fried rice.
6 p.m.: I sit with the kids while they eat dinner, and we discuss Pokémon and “Madden” football. After dinner, we read books and hang out until bath time. This is my favorite time of the day because I get to spend time with my kids with no distractions. We don’t use technology during this hour unless one of the kids asks a question that only Siri can answer, like the diameter of Pluto.
7 p.m.: My husband gets home from work, and the kids are so excited that their dad is home, I am quickly abandoned. He handles baths and bed, so I clean up dinner and their path of destruction. While cleaning, I call Danielle to talk about a copyright question we received from a client on whether the use of certain images would constitute fair use.
7:30 p.m.: My kids are in bed, and it’s time to exhale. I eat the rest of the fried rice — there’s always leftovers! — and try to unwind with the HBO show “Barry.”
9 p.m.: I finish an outstanding client project, file a trademark for another client and respond to more emails. I also write up my schedule for tomorrow, so I can hit the ground running once I get to my desk.
Midnight: I lie down to sleep with a small prayer that no one wakes up before 7 a.m.
Image courtesy of Jaime Lieberman
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