Broadcom Makes Its Case to Lawmakers in Qualcomm Bid

Broadcom pledged to lawmakers it won’t sell pieces of Qualcomm to foreign companies as the two chip makers continued their maneuvering during a U.S. review of a proposed hostile takeover.

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5 Pillars for Your Social Shopping Plan

We continue to experience ongoing real-time shifts in the way consumers engage with content and commerce. From a business opportunities perspective, none of these patterns is more electrifying than the amazing evolution of e-commerce. While it is true that there was a time when, “If you built a website … they (customers) would come,” this…

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Sinclair Anchors Forced To Read Anti-Media Promo Scripts

Sinclair, long associated with conservative, right-wing programming decisions, is demanding its on-air anchors read prepared scripts bashing other TV networks for fake stories – without citing any
specific network or any specific story to back up the claim.

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Book Report, Both Figuratively And Literally

A nationally representative poll finds only four in ten read only printed books anymore — a timely insight for us to tease a forthcoming review of a book we currently are reading in analogue form.

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Obstacles to Progress in Deep Learning & AI – Yann LeCun

Obstacles to Progress in Deep Learning & AI - Yann LeCun
Feb 20th, 2018
Yann LeCun is a professor at New York University and the Director of AI Research at Facebook.

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Uber Relies On Automation To Keep Its Paid Social Strategy Humming

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Uber has the pedal to the metal when it comes to paid social automation. The ride-sharing app embeds performance marketing and paid social teams in every region where it does business. Four channel managers on each team make sure campaigns meet their objectives. On Facebook and Instagram, where Uber spends a significant portion of itsContinue reading »

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A Publisher’s Perspective: Will Buyers Pay More?

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“The Sell Sider” is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today’s column is written by Erik Requidan, vice president of programmatic strategy at Intermarkets. Advertisers have demanded more of publishers in recent years, including for more inventory, more viewable inventory, a broader range of accepted formats and better targetingContinue reading »

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Comic: Atlas Struggled

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A weekly comic strip from AdExchanger that highlights the digital advertising ecosystem… AdExchanger: Origins AdExchanger: Crisis In Ad City (Part I) AdExchanger: Crisis In Ad City (Part II) AdExchanger: Enter Malware (Part I) AdExchanger: Enter Malware (Part II) AdExchanger: Enter Malware (Part III) AdExchanger: Enter Malware (The Conclusion) AdExchanger: Angels And Startups AdExchanger: Rumble In Arbitrage PlazaContinue reading »

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