The 3 Areas That Benefit Most From a Remote Workforce

Marketing is one of the fastest changing industries, and it only continues to. From direct marketing to digital, the landscape has constantly changed over the past decade. But what’s the next evolution for marketers? A remote workforce. On any given day during the week, I head to bed hanging up the phone with Nectar Sleep’s…

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Back In the Saddle Again, Wexley’s Cal McAllister Launches New Agency

Cal McAllister, one of the former owners of the independent agency Wexley School for Girls, is starting a new agency. After shutting down the 15-year Seattle creative mainstay last spring, McAllister’s new agency, The Paper Crane Factory, will focus mainly on working with companies that are at the front end of their existence. “The opportunity…

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Check Out All 30 Grand Prix Winners From Cannes Lions 2018

Another Cannes Lions is in the books, but before we all move on with our lives, now’s a good time to look back on the top winners from this year’s festival. A Grand Prix was awarded in every category but one (Pharma) this year, and two categories, Film and Outdoor, awarded two winners each. There…

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How to Protect Your Data Online

Concerns about internet security range in severity from the benign, such as the annoying ubiquity of ads, to more troublesome worries about identity theft and consumer fraud. Then there are concerns about sensitive data impacting future decisions around employment and housing. What’s more, online users who are the most vulnerable offline have heightened threats online–for…

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Supreme Court Expands Digital Privacy Rights, Requires Warrants For Cell Location Records

In a decision cheered by privacy advocates, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Friday that the police generally must obtain a warrant before acquiring cell tower records that reveal people’s locations over
time. The digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation called the ruling a “major victory.”

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Center For Blockchain Research Focused On Building Best Practices

In addition to research, the center’s scientists intend to create courses designed to help working professionals and others use blockchain in all manner of ways from protecting intellectual property
to managing records.

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Eyeo Launches Browser Extension To Tackle Fake News

Eyeo, the company behind the Adblock Plus ad blocker, has created a browser extension to combat fake news. Called “Trusted News,” the product is designed to identify questionable content and alert

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OTT Market Maturing, But ‘Opportunity’ For Growth Remains

A significant opportunity for device makers, content creators and advertisers to add market share remains, although the OTT market is no longer a novelty, according to ComScore’s “State of OTT”
report, released this week. According to ComScore, 59.5 million homes in the U.S. used OTT devices in April, making up 63.5% of homes that have WiFi The number of homes using OTT was up 17% compared
to the same period last year, suggesting that user growth of these devices is slowing down.

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Microsoft, EY Blockchain For Gaming IP Rights Will Transition To Advertising

“People don’t trust that they got what they paid for,” said Paul Brody, EY’s global innovation leader, citing viewability, reporting errors, and the way ads get priced in marketplaces.

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Hearst Magazines President to Step Down at the End of the Year

David Carey, president of Hearst Magazines, will be stepping down from his role at the end of the year and will become chairman through 2019. Under Carey, Hearst acquired Hachette magazines including Elle, and Rodale titles including Women’s Health, Men’s Health and Runner’s World. “I’m proud of our collective performance during a period of broad…

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