Agencies, Clients and Publishers Talk Brand Safety and Consumer Trust at Cannes

Earlier this week Edelman released the results of its Trust Barometer study at Cannes, which found consumer trust in social media channels eroding and that consumers placed a good deal of the responsibility on brands. “I don’t think that today’s news on social channels was any new take in as much as it was an…

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Some Inconvenient Truths About TV As An Ad Medium

At what must the height of irony, we learn this week that Facebook has been spending heavily on TV to win back trust following disclosures about a rash of negative issues. Facebook has been averaging
$1 million per day since breaking mid-March, when it kicked off a six-week local flight, followed by a national rollout on April 25, according to Kantar Media. This, in spite of the prevailing view
that TV is no longer an effective ad medium because audiences are shrinking and using technology to avoid ads.

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Ad Tech Execs and App Marketers Don’t Think Apple Can Sell Ads Without Data Collection

As Apple reportedly weighs another ad network bid, some industry figures are skeptical of the company’s chances. Spurred by the success of search ads in the App Store, Apple is considering placing ads in apps like Pinterest and Snap as a way to supplement weakening device sales, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month….

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Many in U.S. have confidence in what private space companies will accomplish

Most Americans are confident that private space companies will make meaningful contributions in developing safe and reliable spacecraft or conducting research to expand space knowledge.

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Amazon and Huge’s Hackathon Helps Spur Social Good Ideas at Cannes

What if Cannes Lions became more like the World Economic Forum’s meeting in Davos, Switzerland by spending the week figuring out how to solve the world’s problems rather than only celebrating last year’s awards or next year’s ROI? As marketers and technologists continue their meetings on the Croisset this week in Cannes, several teams from…

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6-Second Commercials Are Dumb

Any time TV networks try to change ad formats or lengths, there is one basic reason: money. If a network can charge half of a 30-second commercial for something that is only six seconds, they can
reduce ad clutter and become significantly more profitable.

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Study: Programmatic Works Best For Publishers On Multiplatforms

Using the highest cost platform might not yield the best results; a multi-pronged approach worked more effectively.Conditions influence outcome, even for the same site.

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Best Paper CVPR2018 – Taskonomy – Disentangling Task Transfer Learning

Best Paper CVPR2018 - Taskonomy - Disentangling Task Transfer Learning
June 20th, 2018 CVPR2018

“Do visual tasks have a relationship, or are they unrelated? For instance, could having surface normals simplify estimating the depth of an image? Intuition answers these questions positively, implying existence of a “structure” among visual tasks. Knowing this structure has notable values; it is the concept underlying transfer learning and provides a principled way for identifying redundancies across tasks, e.g., to seamlessly reuse supervision among related tasks or solve many tasks in one system without piling up the complexity. ”

Amir R. Zamir, Alexander Sax*, William B. Shen*
Leonidas Guibas, Jitendra Malik, Silvio Savarese

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Machine Learning Challenges – Kaggle CEO, Anthony Goldbloom

Machine Learning Challenges - Kaggle CEO, Anthony Goldbloom
June 20th, 2018 – CVPR2018

Anthony John Goldbloom is the founder and CEO of Kaggle, a Silicon Valley start-up which has used predictive modeling competitions to solve problems for NASA, Wikipedia, Ford and Deloitte.

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The Future of Human Enhancements – Prof. George Church & Experts

The Future of Human Enhancements - Prof. George Church & Experts
May 21st, 2018

Enhanced humans walk among us. Over the course of human history, people have sought to alter their bodies not only to restore their health, but also to augment their abilities. Some enhancements have been commonplace for centuries, like a simple cup of coffee to remain alert or eyeglasses to improve sight.

More recent developments are ever more complex, from prosthetic devices to restore lost functions, like robotic limbs or cochlear implants, to the DIY biohackers movement to create cognitive and body enhancers. As we move deeper into the 21st century, human enhancement technologies are being developed at an increasingly rapid pace.

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