Ridley Scott Returns to Advertising After 15 Years to Helm Hennessy Campaign

Acclaimed filmmaker Ridley Scott has decided to end a long absence from the commercial wold by teaming up with Hennessy to direct his first ad in 15 years. The ad, set to debut in early 2019, is part of a campaign promoting Hennessy’s new release, Hennessy X.O. and built around the tagline, “Each drop of…

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16 Years After Breaking Our Hearts, Ikea Finally Tells an Abandoned Lamp’s Full Story

Some sequels seem dimmer than the original, but this one really shines. And that’s pretty impressive, because we’re talking about a follow-up to one of the most iconic commercials of all time. Sixteen years ago, Ikea’s “Lamp,” from Crispin Porter + Bogusky and director Spike Jonze, lit up the industry, generating massive buzz and winning…

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Survata Appoints Dyna Boen To First President Of Market Research

Suvata’s first president of research, Dyna Boen, finds “onlyness” one of the strongest links to success. The word, which comes from the title of a book she is reading called “The Power of Onlyness” by
Nilofer Merchant, refers to a person’s unique qualities. This entrepreneur and strategist says businesses and individuals have these unique qualities. You just need to bring them out.

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Just View It: Real-Time Reactions To Nike’s Kaepernick Spot

A real-time video dial-test of nearly 2,000 American viewers shows a polarization of responses throughout Nike’s “Just Do It” spot featuring controversial NFL protester Colin Kaepernick. Respondents
to the Morning Consult test were asked to indicate in real-time whether they had a favorable or unfavorable view of the commercial they were watching.

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CBS Ousts Moonves, Ends Litigation Against National Amusements

CBS has announced Moonves’ departure following a new report from “The New Yorker” magazine citing additional accusations about Moonves from six women. At the same time, CBS has ended legal efforts
against majority owner National Amusements. CBS Corp. Chief Operating Officer Joe Ianniello has been named president and acting CEO of CBS. The CBS board will search for a permanent replacement.

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How Food Holidays and Hashtags Like #NationalCoffeeDay Start Social Movements

There’s a holiday for just about everything these days. Holidays are nourishing our bodies, souls and social media feeds more than ever. With an uptick in trending food-focused holidays, it’s no wonder that #NationalCoffeeDay continues to be a hit for consumers, coffee brands and pretty much every retailer that sells coffee. The U.S. Census Bureau…

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Quantum Technology: Quantum Sensing – Prof. Jonathan Dowling

Quantum Technology: Quantum Sensing - Prof. Jonathan Dowling
Jonathan Dowling is co-director of the Horace Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics and a Hearne chair in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, both at Louisiana State University. He is known for his work on quantum technology, particularly for exploiting quantum entanglement (in the form of a NOON state) for applications to quantum metrology, quantum sensing, and quantum imaging.
August 31st, 2018

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