Any Brands Not Marketing in the Esports World Is Already Behind the Curve

The conference circuit is rife with people preaching about disruption and missed opportunities. Did you hear how Apple redefined the music industry? How about how Uber rearranged the business of personal transportation? I bet you have. Well, what about that time when the marketing world sat on the sidelines and missed the video game revolution?…

How Retailers Can Master the Post-Purchase Part of the Ecommerce Journey

Retailers have spent the last year obsessing over each touchpoint consumers have with their brand, all with the goal of creating a differentiated, amazing customer experience. But what I often see is that all roads lead to clicking “buy,” the holy grail of the customer experience. Put another way, many merchants still believe their job…

Snapchat: Here’s How to Change Your Phone Number

Did you know that you can change the phone number associated with your Snapchat account? Our guide will show you how this is done. Note: These screenshots were captured in the Snapchat application on iOS. Step 1: Tap your profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen. Step 2: Tap the gear icon in…

Amazon Rekognition May Finally Be Audited and Ranked Alongside Other Vendors

Amazon is finally putting its money where its mouth is by collaborating with groups like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the U.S. government lab with the existing industry benchmark for facial recognition, to develop standardized tests that remove bias and improve accuracy. Until now, unlike nearly 40 other companies in this space,…

The Oscars: No Host, But Lots Of ABC On-Air Promos

So far, ABC has run 691 promo airings, yielding 329.2 million impressions through Feb. 18, according to The promos feature primarily creatives focused on movies, with creative executions
pulled from Disney-ABC’s entertainment and sports programming personalities.

5G Becoming Secret Advertising Weapon For AT&T, Verizon

5G, which will support augmented and virtual reality applications with faster speeds, will represent more than 3% of total mobile connections — about 422 million global devices and M2M connections
— by 2022, Cisco estimates.

Snapchat: Here’s How to Stop Users From Finding You by Your Phone Number

Did you know that you can stop Snapchat users from finding your profile if they know your phone number? Our guide will show you how this works. Note: These screenshots were captured in the Snapchat application on iOS. Step 1: Tap your profile picture in the top-left corner of the screen. Step 2: Tap the…

It’s Time for Publishers to Implement Measures to Combat Device Fingerprint Malvertising

Have you ever been distracted on the couch, scrolling Facebook for the latest news, scanning the sports highlight reel or flipping through one of those celebrity gossip slideshows with the TV blaring in the background? Let’s be real–we all have. It’s all fun and games until that harmless perusing turns into an inescapable page that…

To Keep Your Brand Relevant, Follow These 3 Essential Rules

Look at any of the best brands in the marketplace, old or new, and you can immediately tell what makes them different from others in the category. It’s also clear why this difference matters to consumers. These brands solve problems, or make life better in some meaningful way. (In many cases, consumers are aware they…

AI 101 | What is Dark Data?

AI 101 | What is Dark Data?
Dark data is any data that typically is not used – and in many cases not even stored – and therefore does not interact with other regular forms of data. Many times, companies don’t even realize the powerful insights inherent in that data. Dark analytics identifies opportunities in this hidden data to provide valuable new customer and/or business insights.

Watch this video to learn more about Dark Data.
