A New ‘The Wind in the Willows’ Trailer Is Actually a PSA for Protecting the Environment

As climate change and nature conservation continue to drive intense global conversations, one aspect that stands out is the rising interest in environmental issues amongst our youth. Young people are currently leading the charge when it comes to taking our government officials to task and demanding change that will hopefully save our planet from further…

Digital Gives TV Networks A Viewing Boost – But Where’s The Money?

TV companies can be fuzzy when it comes to monetization of their premium video — in terms of advertising and affiliate revenue. After all, there is ample competition to gain big marketplace share.

How a Dutch Agency’s Pop-Up Shop Helps the Homeless Find a Place to Sleep

There would seem to be no connection whatsoever between a geo-based online store selling random tchotchkes, a loophole in Denmark’s strident sleeping-in-public law and the Scandinavian country’s growing homeless population. But here’s the link: a tabloid called Ekstra Bladet, which launched a program this winter to help ease the suffering (and prevent potential arrests) of…

Winter Is Coming—Directly to an AT&T Retail Store Near You

If you’re looking to take on a White Walker (or just stand somewhat close to a very convincing digital one while wearing a Magic Leap One mixed reality headset), then you’ll want to head to an AT&T retail location in Boston, Chicago, New York or San Francisco. HBO and AT&T are teaming up to bring…

Demandbase’s Integration with Marketo Brings Better Targeting to ABM

Demandbase is beefing up their account-based marketing through an official collaboration with Adobe’s Marketo platform, the company announced today. The team-up promises to bring flexibility to the B2B marketers and will enable ads to be delivered at a scale with razor-sharp targeting. The general chain of command works like this: After audiences are created in…

Remember 1980s Hair? We Sure Do—and the Shag Haircut Was Big Business Back Then

There’s been a certain amount of buzz lately over the return of, of all things, the shag haircut–a hairdo that sober minds presumed had been safely buried back in the 1970s. In recent weeks, the beauty press has been heated up over Sarah Hyland’s new shag, Refinery29 proclaimed the Shag as “the one haircut everyone’s…

Casper’s Latest Funding Shows Direct-to-Consumer Hype Isn’t Dying Down Anytime Soon

This week, direct-to-consumer mattress brand Casper reached unicorn status (with a valuation of $1.1 billion) with a $100 million round of funding, making it the third DTC brand this month to do so. The investment is going toward more brick-and-mortar stores–the company currently has 23 stores–and expanding internationally, particularly in Asia, Bloomberg reported. According to…