Made From 9,000 Flowers, This Brain Sculpture Reveals a Key Message About Opioid Addiction

There’s little disagreement on the devastating scope of the opioid epidemic, but that doesn’t always mean there’s consensus on how it should be addressed. With 130 Americans dying daily from opioid overdose, according to a new campaign from nonprofit Shatterproof, some addiction specialists fear that misconceptions about the victims–specifically the view that their addiction stems…

It’s Time for Brands to Forge Long-Term Working Relationships With Creative Partners

Music continues to grow as a popular area for brands to reach new audiences and convince customers they’re relatable and worthy of their dollar. But as the popularity grows, delivered activations are becoming more recycled. Brands are partnering with the most creative forces in the world and telling them exactly what to do. It’s like…

TikTok: Here’s How to Share a Video as a GIF

Did you know that TikTok allows you to share other users’ videos outside of the application as GIFs, rather than video clips? Our guide will show you how this works. Note: These screenshots were captured in the TikTok app on iOS. Step 1: Tap the arrow icon on the video you wish to share as…

‘Code Of Conduct’ Needs Real Teeth

The ARF’s new Code of Conduct uses a seal of approval to give some “self-regulatory teeth” to companies that comply, but the use and interpretation of this code requires very careful review and

Three In Four Americans Don’t Believe Social Data Targeting Is An ‘Acceptable Tradeoff’

Three in four Americans do not believe allowing advertisers to target them with their personal data is an “acceptable tradeoff” for using social media, according to results of a nationwide survey
conducted by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal: 74% of American said “it gives social media companies too much influence over our lives and potentially using personal information in ways we would
not want.”

How Google Is Cramming More Data Into Its New Atlantic Cable

Google says its planned Dunant cable from Virginia to France will transmit 250 terabits per second, enough to zap the Library of Congress through it three times a second.

Magna: OTT Ad Market Approaches $4 Billion, Offsets Linear TV Contraction

Over-the-top video ad spending is expanding at the fastest rate of any major medium and will approach $4 billion this year and $5 billion next year, according to a revised advertising forecast from
IPG Mediabrands Magna Intelligence unit. OTT’s 39% growth will partly offset linear TV’s 3.6% contraction this year.