Facebook Is Tweaking Its Video Rankings

Facebook detailed three upcoming changes to its video ranking in the areas of loyalty and intent; video and viewing duration; and originality. Product management director David Miller said in a Newsroom post that while these are not new components in the social network’s video rankings, they will be given more weight and affect the distribution…

Responses to ANA’s Bot Baseline Report Are Mixed, to Say the Least

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and cybersecurity company White Ops opened its fourth annual Bot Baseline report with the proclamation that “in some important ways, things are better than they have ever been.” But in spite of that cheery headline, the report left industry leaders feeling cautiously optimistic at best, and downright skeptical at…

This Life-Saving Christmas Ornament Doubles as a Fire Extinguisher

The combination of tinder-dry trees and decorative lights is all too often a cocktail for fiery disaster each holiday season, especially in areas where home fire extinguishers and the know-how to operate them are not as common. Mexican agency Figallo and client Fire Service Plus Mexico are aiming to get out ahead of that danger…

Legacy Swimwear Brands Step Up Sustainability Efforts to Compete With DTCs

As legacy brands continue to fight against the upstart DTC brands, the swimwear industry is looking to sustainability as its hot new fashion trend. Swimwear is becoming an increasingly lucrative vertical in the fashion industry, averaging about $4.6 billion in sales in 2018, according to NPD Group’s Consumer Tracking Service. And it’s a growing market,…

Sinclair Buys 21 Regional Sports Nets From Disney For $10.6 Billion

The deal includes local TV rights to 42 professional teams — 14 Major League Baseball teams, 16 National Basketball Association teams and 12 National Hockey League teams.

Google Tests New Type Of Shoppable Ad

A different type of ad unit on YouTube videos will display product prices and recommendations, and makes it easier to buy brands on Google, delivered by Google Express.

Microsoft Advertising Rebrands Strategy For Native Ads, Search, Video

Microsoft Advertising purged several businesses in the past few years, only to regroup and rebuild, using the latest technology based on machine learning and artificial intelligence.