YouTube Continues to Draw Major Ad Dollars, but Retailers Are Cutting Back

Despite the scandals that have befallen YouTube lately, the platform is still one of the most profitable online. But now, one advertising category–retail–is pulling back its spend on the platform. That’s according to research out today from the the ad-intelligence platform MediaRadar, which released an analysis comparing media buyers’ behaviors across YouTube’s curated lineup of…

How These Cannes Winners Utilized the 7 Basic Plots of Storytelling

There was quite a bit of chatter at Cannes Lions this year when Samsung’s CMO, YoungHee Lee, uttered the word “storyliving” onstage during a presentation at the Palais. While I can’t quite figure out the merits of the “living” part, I do know for a fact that the “story” part is alive and well and…

Facebook Includes ‘Transparency’ Updates For Social, Political Ads

Facebook on Tuesday began rolling out “transparency tools” for anyone interested in placing ads about social issues, elections or politics. As part of its authorization process for advertisers,
Facebook confirms their ID and then ensures that they disclose who is responsible for the ad. The ad and the accompanying “Paid for by” disclaimer are both placed in Facebook’s Ad Library for seven

Like IPG, Publicis Groupe Says It Won’t Participate In NRA Review

Make that two holding companies that won’t have anything to do with the National Rifle Association’s upcoming agency pitch, now that the gun-rights group has bitterly parted ways with Ackerman
McQueen, its longstanding agency

Amazon Prime Day Spurs Search Ad, Media Buys

Amazon announced Tuesday it will hold Prime Day on July 15 and 16. A poll of Profitero clients shows many brands are buying search ads and other digital ads, as well as running promotions on Amazon
Prime Day, according to Andrew Pearl, VP of strategy and insight for EMEA at the company.

Lawmaker, Children’s Advocates Push For Privacy Overhaul On YouTube

“It is incumbent upon the FTC to enforce federal law and act as a check against the ever increasing appetite for children’s data,” Sen. Ed Markey says. The watchdogs are asking the FTC to order Google
to remove all videos for children from, and place the material on a separate platform where targeted advertising would be prohibited.

Ad Execs Assume Large Shares Of Ad Fraud, Even If They Can’t Measure It

Less than half (48%) of ad execs say they currently have the ability to accurately measure digital ad fraud and/or non-human traffic, but almost all of them believe it is eating into significant
shares of their ad budgets. On average, ad execs say 12.6% of their digital ad budgets are going to fraudulent forms of advertising, according to findings of a study conducted by Advertiser
Perceptions earlier this year.

It’s Nearly Impossible to Revive Dead Retailers, but Investors Are Trying

The latest retailer to potentially come back from the dead is Toys R Us, the 60-plus-year-old toy store that ceased operations in 2018. In the bloodbath that has been brick-and-mortar retail in the ecommerce age–some even call it a retailpocalypse–many long-standing retailers in American malls and shopping centers found themselves flailing against an invisible foe….