Why Hi-Res Audio Doesn’t Actually Offer a Higher Quality Sonic Experience

Steve Jobs killed sonic quality. In October 2001, Apple introduced the iPod, irrevocably changing the world of recording music. Today, according to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), about 75% of the recorded music industry’s revenue comes from streaming. Bandwidth keeps getting cheaper and faster. Hardware and software continue to improve at an exponential…

Businesses on Yelp Can Beef Up Their Profiles, at a Nominal Cost

Yelp introduced several ways for businesses to enhance their profiles on the reviews and recommendations platform by spending a few dollars per day. Group product manager Alon Shiran said in a blog post, “Yelp has always been a place for consumers to discover hardworking business owners who’ve earned their great reputation over the years. Now,…

Old Navy Goes Purple This Fourth of July to Signify Unity Between Red and Blue America

Patriotism will come in purple at Old Navy this July Fourth as the retailer marks its 25th anniversary with an anodyne nod to America’s ever-deepening political divisions. The brand unveiled a line of purple T-shirts bearing American flags on Tuesday in what’s meant to be a symbol of unity between supporters of the country’s two…

Here’s Every Grand Prix Winner From the 2019 Cannes Lions

Winning any trophy at the Cannes Lions is a career highlight few creative professionals ever get to experience, but the festival’s most rarefied air is reserved for the Grand Prix. Of the 31,000 entries from 89 countries, only 24 received a Grand Prix this year, making it one of the world’s most hard-fought marketing honors….

Fascination and Frustration in the Media Jury Room at Cannes

In an increasingly time-poor world, it’s incredibly rare to have the opportunity to reflect on the work we produce. But as a member of the Cannes Lions Media jury, that’s exactly what I was able to do for four days. Working from an initial haul of over 2,300 original entries, the jury interrogated and analyzed…

In Another Blow to David Miami, Managing Director Exits to Join Gut

David Miami managing director and global chief operating officer Paulo Fogaca is leaving to join Gut, the agency formed by David co-founders Anselmo Ramos and Gaston Bigio last April. Fogaca will take on the role of partner and chief operating officer, responsible for overseeing Gut’s offices in Miami and Buenos Aires and the recently opened…

Ecuador Won’t Return Fugitive and Former Facebook Claimant Paul Ceglia to the U.S.

Self-proclaimed Facebook co-founder Paul Ceglia is back in the news, as Steven Musil of CNET reported that Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno denied an extradition request by the U.S. Ceglia was arrested in Ecuador last August, when he began battling extradition to the U.S. After fleeing the U.S. in March 2015 with his wife, their two…

WaPo Launches Platform For Fact-Checking ‘Manipulated Videos’

With manipulated videos looming as the next big disinformation disruptor, The Washington Post is expanding its role in “accountability journalism,” launching a new platform for fact-checking
manipulated video content. Dubbed “The Fact Checker’s Guide to Manipulated Video,” the platform provides tools for and identifying and labeling various forms of online video manipulation, as well as a
means of reporting them.

Facebook Is Taking Its Transparency Tools for Political Ads Worldwide

Facebook’s transparency tools regarding political ads on its platform are going worldwide. “Elections are happening all over the world, and some happen with very little notice,” product manager Sarah Schiff said in a Newsroom post. “To that end, we are committed to requiring authorizations and disclaimers for social issue, electoral or political ads in more…