Walmart Prescriptions Are Heading to Blockchain

First it was pork. Then mangoes and leafy greens. Now, Walmart is putting prescription drugs on blockchain in a pilot for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The retailer and biopharmaceutical company Merck, along with IT company IBM and professional services firm KPMG, are participating in a program for the U.S. Drug Supply Chain…

AT&T and Verizon Roll Out New Enhancements to Buy-Side Programmatic Offerings

In 2019, every major tech company is clamoring for a slice of the ad-tech market worth nearly $130 billion–and telcos are no exception. This week, ahead of the upcoming Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, both AT&T and Verizon said they have further developed their buy-side programmatic offerings. AT&T’s media and advertising arm, Xandr, rolled…

A French Women’s Rights Group Is Holding a Cannes of Their Own to Rally Against Industry Sexism

As thousands of agency folk descend on Cannes for the International Festival of Creativity, a French nonprofit called Les Lionnes will hold a separate event to draw attention to the rampant sexism and harassment that continues to plague the industry. According to the group, it will set up an “off” festival called The Cannes Lions,…

Fatherly and Gillette’s Father’s Day Weekend Pop-Up Explores a Healthier Vision of Masculinity

It’s not always easy for some men to talk with their sons about what it means to become a man, or even know where to start. What are healthy emotions, relationships and values? And in an era of toxic masculinity, how can fathers, grandfathers and other male role models help reinforce positive behavior rather than…

Snapchat: Here’s How to Take Snaps Using a Grid

Did you know that Snapchat’s camera features a grid option, which can help you line up your shots? For instance, if you want to take a picture of the ocean, you can use the grid lines to ensure that the horizon is level in your shot. Our guide will show you how this feature works….

The Cannes Palais Gets Even More Crowded as Consultancies Assert Their Influence in 2019

The tired agencies-versus-consultancies narrative is dead. And maybe it was never quite the right perspective in the first place. “I don’t think it’s a ‘versus’; I think it’s an ‘and,'” said Mark Singer, principal at Deloitte Digital. “The future of an agency is to look more like a consulting firm.” But the big billboard on…

3 Tips for Marketers to Reach a More Realistic Audience This Father’s Day

There’s a certain kind of dad making the rounds in advertisements. He’s the hapless, good-for-fun-but-not-much-else kind of parent, great at tossing a ball in the park but can’t find his way around a teething ring. With Father’s Day approaching, it’s a good time for advertisers to rethink this lazy messaging that reinforces stereotypical family roles…

Solving The Reach Problem

The industry desperately needs a mechanism to ensure the voice of the customer, especially advertisers, is clearly enunciated and guides the product strategy of key research suppliers.