Despite privacy concerns and reports of diminished use, Facebook advertising remains strong. Company estimates suggest its services still support about 2.7 billion active monthly users.
Diversity Efforts Are Often Whitewashed and Dulled Down. Here Are 5 Ways to Improve These Initiatives
As we round out July, I am taking refuge in the fact that we’ve survived another round of the International Festival of Press Releases, sometimes referred to as Cannes Lions. This year’s festival followed the patterns of years past. The biggest spending, hottest and most powerful of the advertising industry went to France to ensure…
Instagram: Here’s How to See Everyone You’ve Muted
Our guides have shown you how to mute and unmute users on Instagram, but what if you can’t remember which specific users you have muted? Rather than visiting profiles one-by-one, Instagram allows you to view all of the accounts you’ve muted in a single list. Our guide will show you how to do this. Note:…
NBCU’s Upfront Hits $7B, Digital Grows 50%
For its prime-time programming on the NBC Television Network, the network posted an average 14% hike in the price (cost) per thousand viewers; cable programming saw a double-digit percentage pricing
How Advertisers Are Untangling the Programmatic Supply Chain
Under pressure to prove the value of their programmatic ad spend, advertisers are becoming increasingly selective in choosing their ad-tech partners. While the early phase of sorting the wheat from the chaff involved decoupling from fraudulent players, marketers are now adopting a more nuanced approach focused on financial transparency. The dawn of the ad-tech era…
Pew Research Center Analyzed 43,770 YouTube Channels With 250,000+ Subscribers Over 1 Week
Kids and video games ruled YouTube during the first week of 2019, according to an analysis of high-subscriber channels and they videos they posted during that time period by Pew Research Center. Pew used its own custom mapping technique to compile a list of YouTube channels with 250,000 or more subscribers as of late 2018,…
Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, on Spotify
Columbia Pictures partnered with Spotify to back Friday’s theatrical release of Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, the ninth film from legendary director Quentin Tarantino. The studio will take over Spotify’s TV & Movies hub, which is available in 12 countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the U.K. and…
A Week in the Life of Popular YouTube Channels
An analysis of every YouTube video posted by high-subscriber channels in the first week of 2019 finds that children’s content – as well as content featuring children – received more views than other videos.
The post A Week in the Life of Popular YouTube Channels appeared first on Pew Research Center.
NBCUniversal Wraps Its Nearly $7 Billion Upfront With 10% Volume Increase
With a new ad sales duo leading its upfront negotiations this year, NBCUniversal didn’t miss a beat, crossing the upfront finish line with a nearly $7 billion haul that surpassed last year’s market by 10%. “Once again, we led the market on both volume and price,” Comcast chairman and CEO Brian Roberts, who discussed NBCUniversal’s…
‘Pennyworth’: Action Is Served In Batman Butler’s Origin Story
“Pennyworth” is what a modern-day TV series should be — hugely attractive, entertaining and packed with action.