6.5 Million People Watched Netflix’s Breaking Bad Film El Camino on Opening Weekend

On its opening weekend on Netflix, the Breaking Bad film El Camino attracted nearly 6.5 million viewers in the U.S., marking a considerable audience for the anticipated movie. More than 2.6 million people in the U.S. tuned in to watch the film on Oct. 11, when it debuted, according to Nielsen’s SVOD Content Ratings. While…

Zuckerberg Doubles Down on Free Speech—the Facebook Way

The Facebook CEO didn’t announce new initiatives in a highly promoted speech, but reaffirmed his view that the company makes the world a better place.

GYK Antler CEO Travis York Founds York Creative Collective

Clients looking for independent solutions with greater scale just got another option. Travis York, CEO of GYK Antler, based in Manchester, N.H., founded York Creative Collective (YCC). YCC comprises GYK Antler, production company Big Brick, direct-to-consumer footwear brand York Athletics, SaaS reporting and analytics platform Explorics, sports media platform Kompany39, drum platform Noble & Cooley,…

Counterpoint: When Is An Impression Not An Impression?

Kym Frank, president of Geopath, invoked Erwin Ephron in a recent MediaPost commentary. As a student of Ephron’s, I would respectfully remind Frank about his “ring of truth” principle in applying a
“visibility adjustment index.” So, here is some out-of-home measurement history I believe Ephron would give in response.

Opinione pubblica europea a tre decenni dalla caduta del comunismo

(Traduzione da una versione in inglese) WASHINGTON, D.C. (15 ottobre 2019) – Trent’anni dopo la caduta del comunismo, un nuovo sondaggio del Pew Research Center rivela che poche persone nell’ex blocco orientale si rammaricano dei cambiamenti epocali avvenuti tra il 1989 e il 1991. Eppure non sono neanche del tutto soddisfatte della loro attuale situazione […]

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Az európai közvélemény három évtizeddel a kommunizmus bukása után

(Fordítás angolról) WASHINGTON, D.C., (2019. október 15.) – A Pew Research Center a kommunizmus bukásának harmincadik évfordulóján készített új felmérése megállapítja, hogy a korábbi keleti blokk országaiban kevés ember bánja az 1989–1991. között végbement változásokat, annak ellenére, hogy nem teljes mértékben elégedettek a jelenlegi politikai vagy gazdasági helyzetükkel sem. Hasonlóan a nyugati társaikhoz, a közép- […]

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With Just the Right Level of Sappiness, Cost Plus Kicks Off the Holiday Season Early

While some of us are still carving jack-o’-lantern and hanging cobwebs, others would say it’s never too early to indulge in a little holiday sentimentality. As a general rule, holiday advertising doesn’t kick off until after Halloween. But while Cost Plus World Market’s newest campaign may be a little early, it’s an emotional reminder of…

Europejska opinia publiczna po trzech dekadach od upadku komunizmu

(tłumaczenie wersji w języku angielskim) Waszyngton, D.C. (15 października 2019 r.) – w trzydzieści lat po upadku komunizmu nowe badanie przeprowadzone przez Centrum Badawcze Pew Research Center pokazuje, że niewielu mieszkańców byłego bloku wschodniego wyraża ubolewanie z powodu fundamentalnych zmian, jakie zaszły w latach 1989–1991. Jednocześnie nie są w pełni zadowoleni ze swojej aktualnej sytuacji […]

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Opinión pública europea tres décadas después de la caída del comunismo

(Traducción de una versión en inglés) WASHINGTON, D. C. (15 de octubre de 2019) – Treinta años después de la caída del comunismo, una nueva encuesta del Pew Research Center revela que pocas personas del antiguo bloque del este lamentan los cambios monumentales que se produjeron entre 1989 y 1991. No obstante, muchas no están […]

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