Modest Changes in Views of Impeachment Proceedings Since Early September

Most Americans have not changed their views on whether the House should conduct impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump since early September, before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would conduct an impeachment inquiry of the president. But about one-in-ten adults (9%) who had opposed the House opening impeachment proceedings last month now […]

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B8ta Is Moving Beyond Consumer Electronics and Entering Fashion and Lifestyle

As legacy retailers struggle to figure out what will bring consumers through their doors, upstarts like b8ta are hitting on ways to help how brands can work with stores. On Nov. 15, b8ta is expanding its reach and rolling out Forum, a shop with rotating sustainable and ethical fashion and lifestyle brands in Los Angeles….

Change is in the air. To wit, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, topping the polls of Democratic presidential candidates, has made the breakup of big tech into a pet issue on the campaign trail. At the same time, regulatory and privacy concerns are driving state legislation that could transform the way consumer data is collected and, thus,Continue reading »

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Arnold Splits With CEO Kiran Smith After 15 Months

Leadership changes continue in Boston. Arnold Worldwide split with chief executive Kiran Smith after just 15 months, the Havas-owned agency confirmed. “Kiran brought many good insights to Arnold and we thank her for her contributions. We wish her much success as she moves forward in the next chapter of her career,” Havas Creative North America…

The ‘Quietest Library on Earth’ Faces a Noisy Coup in Design Army’s Stylish New Spot

There will be no chitter chatter in this sanctuary of silence. No clicking pens or clacking heels or, god forbid, coughing fits. This is, after all, the Quietest Library on Earth. Presiding over this place, described as a “temple of hush,” is a zero-tolerance “quiet guard” ready to pounce on every rustling candy wrapper. He’ll…

SpotX’s Neal Richter Named IAB Tech Lab Chairman

Neal Richter, has been elected chairman of the IAB Tech Lab, the industry group said Thursday. Richter has been a leader within the Tech Lab for years, helping develop IAB openRTB specs since their first iteration, and helming recent initiatives like Ads.txt and Sellers.json. It’s been a productive year for Richter, since he took onContinue reading »

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After A Rocky Road, Ad/Fin Shuts Its Doors

Ad tech company Ad/Fin ceased business operations on Friday after a tumultuous few years of existence. Launched in 2012 as a tool to benchmark pricing data in programmatic media, Ad/Fin made enemies of the agency holding companies when it teamed up with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and Ebiquity on a 2016 report uncoveringContinue reading »

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5 Celebs Who Are Experts at Branding Themselves

Stars are experts at using social media to define and expand their image, something that marketers have taken note of and could learn from. There’s a reason why the Kardashians are paid millions of dollars to post ads online. By leveraging their fame to influence their fans, who are often the most devoted social media…

How Zefr Uses Humans to Help YouTube’s Less-Than-Perfect Targeting

When it comes to brand safety, brands might be better off relying on humans, rather than machines. According to new research out today co-produced by L.A.-based data company Zefr and the advertising analytics outfit Magna, media buyers could get better bang for their buck by including humans in their content-review process, rather than relying on…