OMG, Publicis Groupe Big Winners In Disney Global Media Review

Disney has awarded the biggest pieces of its $2.2 billion global media assignment to Omnicom Media Group and Publicis Groupe after a review, according to sources. WPP is said to have retained India.
OMG will handle Disney’s TV channels and related properties. Sources said Publicis has been awarded Disney’s new streaming service Disney+, as well as its global theme parks division.

Candidates Can Improve Their Visual Game and Stand Out in the 2020 Campaign

While soundbites provide the ubiquitous “gotcha” moment in politics, visual content remains the bread and butter for campaigns that are trying to position their candidates as approachable and authentic. From website hero images to Instagram selfies, visuals transcend the fickleness of the news cycle and provide a curated way for candidates to control the narrative…

Instagram: Here’s How to Use Templates in Stories

Instagram recently added a Create mode to Instagram Stories, which allows you to share posts that don’t contain photos or videos. The Create mode has lots of different post options to choose from, such as “Templates” and “Poll,” which allow you to create different kinds of posts to share on your profile. Our guide will…

Ahead of National Period Day, ‘See Red’ Argues for Menstruation Visibility

In more than 30 states across the U.S., menstrual products are subject to sales taxes since they are not deemed a necessity. One nonprofit is trying to change that via the first National Period Day. On Saturday, Oct. 19, will hold rallies nationwide to address the issue as well as call for greater access…

Pinterest Adds More Transparency for Users at Feed and Pin Level

Pinterest is giving its users a clearer picture of why they are seeing the Pins that show up in their home feeds. Two features are rolling out Tuesday: a home feed tuner and Pin-level edit options and controls. Pinterest said in a blog post Tuesday that its top requests from Pinners include more control over…

Executives Are Unhappy With Their Companies’ Loyalty Programs

When seemingly every travel brand offers its own specialized loyalty program, industry leaders are finding it difficult to stand out. A new report in the Harvard Business Review found that corporate faith in loyalty programs might be weakening: 58% of executives surveyed believe their organization’s approach to customer loyalty is ineffective. The report, which was…

European Public Opinion Three Decades After the Fall of Communism

Thirty years ago, a wave of optimism swept across Europe as walls and regimes fell, and long-oppressed publics embraced open societies, open markets and a more united Europe. Three decades later, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that few people in the former Eastern Bloc regret the monumental changes of 1989-1991.

The post European Public Opinion Three Decades After the Fall of Communism appeared first on Pew Research Center.

LinkedIn Adds 3 New Features for Page Admins

LinkedIn added three features to its pages Tuesday: employee notifications, kudos/team moments and a completion meter. Senior director of product management Rishi Jobanputra detailed the professional network’s quarterly release for pages in a blog post. Brands can now help drive engagement on their public LinkedIn posts by alerting employees as soon as new content goes…