How Do You Highlight the Frustration of Tampon Dispensers? Make Men Pay for Toilet Paper
For decades, women have had to deal with infuriating, unreliable tampon dispensers in public restrooms, where if you’re lucky enough to find one working, you’re almost sure to find out it’s out of stock. But all the frustrations about how (or whether) tampon dispensers work can drown out a seemingly obvious question: Why aren’t tampons…
Woody Allen’s Life Story: Canceled
The 2020 Election Shows the Techlash Has Only Gone So Far
Elizabeth Warren had a plan to deal with Big Tech. But voters seem to have other priorities.
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for Sun, 08 Mar 2020
Dilbert by Scott Adams for Sun, 08 Mar 2020
What Brands Are Doing to Celebrate International Women’s Day
March is Women’s History Month–the month when, traditionally, brands turn everything pink to convince women that they care. On top of that, today is International Women’s Day. So if a month is too long, brands also have the opportunity to send their empowerment message on one special day. And this year–as Orangetheory pointed out in…