A Message of Hope to Graduating Marketing Students
Trolls World Tour Makes a Stop on Snapchat via an AR Lens
OpenX Adds Insurance Line For DSP Payment Defaults
The sell-side ad tech company OpenX said in a note sent to clients Thursday it has added an insurance line to cover potential DSP payment defaults and warned publishers against working with supply chain intermediaries that won’t insure campaign spend. “Our strong advice to you is to only work with exchanges that can indemnify you… Continue reading »
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Easter Advertising Evolves; Steak-Umm Shines as a Beacon of Truth: Friday’s First Things First
May Upfronts Week Collapses as Most Media Companies Delay Their Virtual Events
Consumer Confidence Cratered Thanks To COVID – But There Are Glimmers Of Hope
Between early March and early April, market research firm Ipsos registered the largest decline in American consumer confidence since 2010. From March 3, before social distancing defined our lives, to April 1, the Ipsos Primary Consumer Sentiment Index clocked a precipitous dip in US consumer confidence, from 60.1 points to 45.5. The downtrend appears to… Continue reading »
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Publicis Groupe Introduced Marcel in the US This Week. But What, Exactly, Is It?
Life in Pandemic and Echoes of Soviet Russia
Just In Time For The Weekend: IPG Lab’s Future Of Pandemic Media Series
and others addressing issues such as brand safety, media spending, sports programming, eCommerce, influencer marketing, and a variety of other disruptions.