Volkswagen’s Updated Logo Is Going Global After a Limited Appearance Last Year

Eighty-two years ago, the citizens of Germany were told about a new car whose reliability and affordability would put it within reach for most middle-class families. “It is for the broad masses that this car has been built,” they were told. The speaker was Adolph Hitler. And the car for the masses? Volkswagen. World War…

Live Industry Updates: Hearst Gives Workers A Bonus; VideoAmp, Yelp And Group Nine Trim Staff

This article charts the coronavirus pandemic’s ongoing effect on the digital ad industry – from publishers to vendors, marketers and agencies. We will continuously update this story as more developments become public. April 9 Hearst Promises No Layoffs Or Pay Cuts Hearst Corp. informed its newsrooms that there would be no layoffs, furloughs or payContinue reading »

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Domino’s Recorded an Ad Entirely on Zoom With a Simple Message: ‘We’re Hiring’

If you want a good look into the speed and flexibility required in advertising right now, you only have to look at the newest Domino’s work from agency CPB. In the span of just 24 hours, creatives went from being briefed to having scripts fully developed. Planned entirely on a Friday, the work immediately went…

TikTok Pledges Over $250 Million to Coronavirus Relief Efforts

TikTok continues to do its part in recovery and relief efforts for the coronavirus pandemic, pledging over $250 million toward various initiatives. President Alex Zhu said in a blog post, “Covid-19 is giving all of us a new perspective and, in the face of this unprecedented crisis, we are collectively seeking moments of joy and…

Telemedicine Startup Maven Clinic’s Marketing Plan Shifts From B2B To B2C, Due To The Pandemic

Julie Binder left New York City last month for an Airbnb upstate, where she and her husband can get outside and wring excess energy from their two kids. But she doesn’t just have her own family to think about. Binder is VP of marketing for Maven Clinic, a telemedicine startup focused on pregnancy and women’sContinue reading »

The post Telemedicine Startup Maven Clinic’s Marketing Plan Shifts From B2B To B2C, Due To The Pandemic appeared first on AdExchanger.

Ad-Tech Firms Continue Laying Off Workers Due to Coronavirus

Nearly 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the last three weeks as the coronavirus continues to cripple the economy, and there seems to be no end in sight for the impact the virus is having on the ad-tech industry. Ad tech has already been under pressure as dwindling investment and seismic changes to…

How I Keep My Balance: Facebook’s Carolyn Everson

Carolyn Everson, Facebook’s vice president of global marketing solutions, has her hands full. And not just because she’s overseeing the social network’s advertising division in the midst of the coronavirus lockdown–she has eight people in her New Jersey home. Plus six dogs. “It’s crazy,” she said during a recent interview over Zoom, as she bounced…

Adweek Together: A Generation Without a Graduation

When the Class of 2020 began their senior year, the economy was booming. Now, nearly 4 million newly minted bachelor’s, associate’s, master’s and doctorate degree-holders will commence their professional lives in the worst job market since the Great Depression. Not only that, many of them won’t even have the traditional cap-and-gown graduation ceremony. So what…

Facebook: How to Share a Page’s Video Playlist to a Group

Did you know that Facebook allows you to share a page’s video playlist with the groups that you’re part of? For instance, if you’re a member of a group that’s focused on home d?cor and you find a video playlist with interior design ideas, you may want to share it with the group. Our guide…