IAB’s Rothenberg: ‘The Show Must Go On,’ Albeit Virtually

“Our industry isn’t on ‘pause’,” IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg says in a statement affirming plans for a virtual version of its annual NewFronts events released this morning.

Live Experiences Need Brands Now More Than Ever

I recently celebrated the start of my 19th year working at Superfly. I didn’t realize the date had come around until a number of LinkedIn notifications from friends and colleagues reminded me. It caused me to reflect on my own journey. It’s been incredible what the last two decades have brought us in the world…

IAB Revamps and Recommits to June NewFronts After Several Dropouts

Had the Covid-19 pandemic not occurred, the Interactive Advertising Bureau would be in the middle of its annual Digital Content NewFronts gathering, which had been scheduled to take place this week in New York. Instead, the IAB is firming up the plans for its postponed NewFronts virtual event, which will now take place the week…

YouTube Ads Leaderboard Highlights the Most-Viewed ‘Stay Home’ Ads

YouTube released a special YouTube Ads Leaderboard Wednesday featuring the most-viewed video ads on its platform that encouraged people in the U.S. to stay home during the coronavirus pandemic. The list, in alphabetical order, is based on YouTube data from March 17 through April 22, and the videos reached a combined total of more than…

Tips For Remote CCPA Prep: Don’t Delay, Expect Enforcement In July, Wear Pants

With just over two months to go until the July 1 enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act, privacy professionals are zooming to get ready. Literally. Julia Shullman, chief privacy officer and general counsel at TripleLift, has lost track of the number of CCPA prep calls and video chats she’s been on since the coronavirusContinue reading »

The post Tips For Remote CCPA Prep: Don’t Delay, Expect Enforcement In July, Wear Pants appeared first on AdExchanger.

When The Dust Clears, With Jay MacDonald

It’s a truism now: “The world will never be the same.” But how will it change, exactly? This week on AdExchanger Talks, Digital Capital Advisors CEO Jay MacDonald draws on his long experience as a founder, media executive and M&A adviser to offer predictions on how COVID-19 will transform marketing and technology. Winners: e-commerce, streaming,Continue reading »

The post When The Dust Clears, With Jay MacDonald appeared first on AdExchanger.

Aggressive News Demonetization Is Harming the News Industry When We Need It Most

Throughout modern history and in times of immense uncertainty, pain and fear, news media has always served as a source of comfort, triumph and resiliency. We’ve been able to depend on them to deliver information that somehow made the unimaginable digestible and the complex simple, a source of truth when we weren’t sure which way…

YouTube Advertising Surprises Analysts, Surges 33% To $4B In Q1

Google parent Alphabet surprised investors with stronger-than-expected Q4 2019 results, especially from ad revenues, and from YouTube within that. YouTube’s ad revenues soared 33% to $4 billion.