Social Distancing With Friends: Zammo CEO Alex Farr

A factoid for our times: Kohler’s sales of smart toilets increased eightfold during the first two weeks of March compared with this time last year. The trend makes sense to Alex Farr, CEO of Zammo, a platform that brands can use to easily build voice apps. Touchless tech is taking off as people do theirContinue reading »

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Walmart Employees Are Featured in New Spot Set to Enduring Song ‘Lean on Me’

A new Walmart ad begins airing today featuring its employees singing Bill Withers’ 1972 classic “Lean on Me” as a message of hope during the coronavirus pandemic. Walmart said it recently became aware of a video posted by one of its stores in Paris, Ill. with employees singing the song. This Facebook video from the…

Social Distancing With Friends: Todd Garland

Todd Garland spent the past 12 years building BuySellAds into a programmatic mainstay, and a standout of the Boston ad tech scene. “The idea that you can wake up one day and wonder if it’s gone is terrifying,” he says. The questions of existential dread have mostly subsided, as people settle into their work-from-home routine. There are evenContinue reading »

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Social Distancing With Friends: Washington Post VP Of Commercial Tech Jarrod Dicker

If you’re blocking the word “coronavirus,” you’re essentially blocking everything. In this episode of “Social Distancing With Friends,” The Washington Post’s VP of commercial tech, Jarrod Dicker, checks in from his high-energy household (its members include three boys and two dogs) to talk publisher problems, including aggressive advertiser blocklists and the general trend of deflatingContinue reading »

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13 Reasons We’ll Get Through This | Tea With GaryVee #8

13 Reasons We
A lot of people are worried about their livelihood, their health and their loved ones during these confusing times. Gary has taken 2 hours out of his morning to try and share his perspective on some people’s very unique and difficult situations that have arisen due to the Coronavirus, in hopes that it will help ease their minds and their situations a bit. There are a lot of different questions and stories shared here that you likely have also so hopefully this brings you a ton of value… Enjoy!

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Gary is a venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. He is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

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