Democratic National Convention Postponed Amid Coronavirus

The Democratic National Convention has been postponed by about a month in light of the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The convention, where delegates will confirm their party’s candidate for the presidential race, was originally slated to take place July 13-16. It is now scheduled to take place the week of Aug. 17, putting the DNC a…

Messenger From Facebook Officially Rolls Out Desktop Apps for MacOS, Windows

Messenger From Facebook rolled out its desktop application for MacOS and Windows globally Thursday. Vice president of Messenger Stan Chudnovsky said in a blog post, “Now more than ever, people are using technology to stay in touch with the people they care about, even when physically apart. Over the past month, we saw more than…

T-Mobile Offers Free Subscription to New Streamer Quibi

Certain T-Mobile customers will get a free yearlong subscription to Quibi, the companies said Thursday, in a move that should boost early users of the ambitious streaming service debuting April 6 in a crowded streaming market. Under the deal, T-Mobile customers who have two or more voice lines with T-Mobile will get a free yearlong…

Adweek Together: The Way Forward for Agencies

The challenges facing the brand marketing ecosystem today are unlike any other we’ve seen before. This much, you all know. But how are the key players who make up this ecosystem adapting to a new, uncertain–though most certainly temporary–situation? For some players, there are short-term fixes. But the coronavirus crisis is also presenting new ways…

Americans Want Brands to Do Their Part Against Coronavirus, Then Advertise

Americans are optimistic that their lives will go back to normal (or whatever normalcy will look like post-pandemic) in about seven months, but they’ll be going about their ordinary routines with more caution. It might take a bit longer to forgo “quarantainment” for entertainment such as traveling, or visiting their local eateries and social spots….

Social Distancing With Friends: Integral Ad Science CEO Lisa Utzschneider

What happens when everybody in a global organization suddenly has to work from home? Integral Ad Science chief Lisa Utzschneider speaks about leadership – across multiple time zones – during a pandemic. “When you looked at the data early on, you could see it coming,” she says. “The team in Tokyo, they were the firstContinue reading »

The post Social Distancing With Friends: Integral Ad Science CEO Lisa Utzschneider appeared first on AdExchanger.

What Happens To Sports Marketing Budgets Without Sports?

  March Madness. The Olympics. The NBA and NHL playoffs. Brand marketers spend billions on tentpole sporting events annually, but with live sports either canceled or postponed for the year, they must now figure out where to repurpose that budget – or decide if they can use it at all. Here’s how marketers are adjustingContinue reading »

The post What Happens To Sports Marketing Budgets Without Sports? appeared first on AdExchanger.

Travel Advertising Fell by as Much as 90% in March

With cruise ships docked in ports, air travel falling by almost half, and more than 75% of the U.S. under some form of lockdown due to the coronavirus, it’s safe to say nobody is–responsibly–traveling. And while customers are either too worried about the risks to travel or their local governments won’t allow them to go…

App Annie: TikTok Was the Most-Downloaded App in Q1 2020

Mobile data and analytics company App Annie released its Q1 Global App Market Index, which analyzed the top mobile applications worldwide in the first quarter of 2020. App Annie found that, on Android, the average time spent in mobile apps each week increased 20% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2020. App Annie Google Play…

Pervasive Mistakes By Digital Agencies Can Be Costly

Digital marketing firms are susceptible to making costly mistakes, with 99% of agency decision makers saying they have witnessed mistakes at their companies.