Even as Gyms Reopen, the Pandemic Will Still Impact How and Why Consumers Exercise

When New York City gyms closed in mid-March, Equinox instructor Amanda Katz was immediately out of work. But instead of discontinuing her classes, she began lifting weights, leading ab workouts and sweating with her students on Instagram Live. Although going from working in a fitness studio to her studio apartment took some getting used to,…

IPG Takes A Meaningful Step On The Transparency Front

IPG’s unprecedented decision Friday to release certain EEOC data may not be a complete report card on efforts to diversify but it certainly does help measure progress or the lack of it.

In A First IPG Releases Data Detailing Racial Makeup Of Its U.S. Managers, Professionals

The public release of the data, for calendar year 2019, followed the issuance of an open letter earlier this week to the advertising community by 600 African American ad professionals demanding
(among other things) that the industry be more transparent about minority employment figures.

Snapchat Debuts Snap Focus Educational Portal for Agencies, Marketers

Snapchat Monday introduced Snap Focus, a new learning portal aimed at teaching agencies and marketers how to best take advantage of the application’s suite of ad products, designs and feature sets. Snap Focus covers topics including: audience and communications planning; brand strategy; creative development; and media buying. It debuts with six courses covering the Snapchat…

Instagram: How to Use the Challenge Sticker in Stories

Did you know that Instagram Stories has a Challenge sticker that you can place on photos and videos related to social media challenges like the “Stay at Home Challenge?” When you use this sticker, you can also nominate other Instagram users that you would like to see participate in the challenge. Our guide will show…

This Agency Created a ‘Callgorithm’ for the World’s Last Blockbuster

Before algorithms for binge-watching, there was a Blockbuster, the one-stop rental shop lined with VHS tapes and DVDs where customers walked (not logged) in for that night’s entertainment. The friendly sales clerks decked out in blue-and-yellow polos made picking a movie easier, unlike the laborious chore that it is now. Then, almost all 9,094 locations…

Is RegTech The New Ad Tech?

That was one of the questions raised during a symposium hosted by the Institute for Advertising Ethics last week featuring hundreds of regulatory, ad industry, and academic experts who spent a day
hashing out what it would take for Madison Avenue to create the kind of ethical standards that would prevent new regulations restricting how, when, where and why advertisers use data to identify and
target consumers.

This Brilliantly Simple Search Hack Helps Talent of Color Get Greater Visibility

It’s clear that agencies struggle with finding and recruiting talent of color despite the best of intentions. Longstanding programs like MAIP offer a continuous pipeline of junior talent, yet often, the excuse is that people are hard to find. While that notion is problematic for several reasons, a group of Portland, Ore. creatives may have…