Instagram: Here’s How to Use the Sound On Sticker in Stories

Did you know that Instagram has a “Sound On” sticker that you can place on your Instagram Stories posts? This sticker allows you to encourage your viewers to unmute their devices so that they can hear your video’s audio. Our guide will show you how to use this sticker in Stories. Note: These screenshots were…

How Holding Company CEOs Are Addressing Systemic Racism Internally

As protesters across the country continue to march against racism and police brutality, many hope that advertising agencies will have their moment of reckoning by finally addressing racist systems and power structures–and enact change after decades of stagnation. “It is appalling that in this industry, where we pride ourselves on being the most creative people…

Deepfakes Aren’t Very Good. Nor Are the Tools to Detect Them

The winning detection algorithm from a Facebook-led challenge could spot about two-thirds of the altered videos, highlighting the need for improvement.

Facebook’s Acquisition of Giphy Is Under New Review

Facebook will temporarily halt integrating popular GIF database Giphy into its company, according to a source familiar with the situation, after the U.K.’s antitrust authority said it would investigate whether the acquisition is anti-competitive. The British Competition and Markets Authority confirmed Friday that it would investigate whether the acquisition will result in the “substantial lessening…

Google Expects Quarantine Consumer Trends to Outlast Stay-at-Home Measures

A new report from Google is attempting to make sense of how consumer habits and trends have shifted since the novel coronavirus quarantine took effect and which of these changes have the potential to become part of a new normal in the longer term. Data from search and other Google-owned channels showed many of the…

Sleeping Giants Founder Sees Natural Language AI as Next Step in War on Disinformation

Matt Rivitz, founder of the advertising activism org Sleeping Giants, spent the months leading up to the coronavirus pandemic trying to reimagine what an ad network could be. Partnered with a non-governmental organization, the agency veteran wanted to formulate a more ethical version of the business model he sees as profiting off of misinformation and…

Word-of-Mouth Sentiment Of Biden Soars, President Remains Mired In Negative Territory

Net sentiment about Democratic challenger Joe Biden has improved dramatically in recent weeks, moving the presumptive nominee close to a net positive sentiment and increasing the margin with the
incumbent to 38 points. While both candidates have remained relatively close — and well under water — since early March, the President’s net sentiment remains mired at -44, according to a weekly
tracking study by Engagement Labs.

COVID-19’s Lasting Impact On Media Now And In The Future

When we emerge from this situation, and we will, the dynamics of the media ecosystem will be vastly different. What should we be considering? What changes are here to stay? And what is the long term