Election Botches: YouTube Lets Fake Results Livestream; Facebook Flip-Flops Midway

In addition to being featured on several YouTube channels, fake “live” results showed up at the top of YouTube searches. Meanwhile, Facebook expediently “clarified” its policy on labeling premature
victory claims.

New Titanic Documentary Asks: Could All Lost Have Been Saved?

A new documentary suggests that a nearby “mystery ship” may have been able to rescue hundreds of the mega-ship’s doomed passengers and crew.

NBA Taps IPG’s Mediahub, WPP’s Cartwright

The NBA has appointed Mediahub, part of IPG, as its new media agency. Spark Foundry, part of Publicis Media, did not defend the account. Separately the league appointed Cartwright, a new WPP-backed
agency to lead creative efforts.

Trump Forces Twitter’s Hand; How TV Newsers Covered the Election: Wednesday’s First Things First

Welcome to First Things First, Adweek’s daily resource for marketers. We’ll be publishing the content to First Things First on Adweek.com each morning (like this post), but if you prefer that it come straight to your inbox, you can sign up for the email here. On Election Night, Trump Forces Twitter’s Hand President Donald Trump…

Data and Marketing Transformation (Google Customer Data Architecture)

Data and Marketing Transformation (Google Customer Data Architecture)
Through CDA, a business can build a 360-degree view of the customer and decide on the best communication channels through data transformation and advanced analytics.

On Election Night, Trump Forces Twitter’s Hand

The US presidential election–delayed by widespread mail-in voting due to the Covid-19 pandemic–was not decided on Election Day, as many expected. But, close to 1 a.m. ET, President Donald Trump ran afoul of Twitter’s election misinformation rules, tweeting a baseless claim about Democrats stealing the election. “We are up BIG, but they are trying to…