Facebook Partners With BBB, Enforcing Its Advertising Policies

Facebook wants advertisers to follow its ad rules using “more ethical marketing tactics” through a new partnership with the BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division, including its
Fast-Track SWIFT Program.

Report: Social Channels Are Critical To This Year’s Holiday Marketing

Marketers need to explore as many new digital offerings as possible to win consumers’ attention in today’s cluttered, competitive marketplace, the report surmises, according to a new study by

‘The Mandalorian’ Gives ‘A New Hope’ To A Younger Generation

This show is creating that same attachment to the “Star Wars” universe for my kids that I have, creating a connection between us that I will cherish for years.

ViacomCBS Selling Simon & Schuster For $2.2 Billion

ViacomCBS is selling its Simon & Schuster publishing business to Bertelsmann’s Penguin Random House for $2.175 billion in cash in a continuing effort to focus on its core TV, film, and digital media

Why We Need a ‘Bye Week’ in Corporate America

2020 has stretched individuals and organizations to their full capacity. Unfortunately, the countless challenges won’t disappear when Dec. 31 rolls over into Jan. 1, 2021. The issues exposed over the last year will require new answers as individuals and organizations are held to a higher standard. The bright side of 2021 rests on the abundant…

‘The Boston Globe’ Brings Back ‘Subscribe Sunday’ Campaign

The initiative is to increase awareness and support for local journalism. The Globe has about 220,000 digital-only subscribers, according to the company, and more than 350,000 total subscribers.