NBA’s First-Week Ratings Highest Since 2012

National TV ratings for Week 1 of the NBA season showed strong viewership vs. last year — up 67%, according to the league — the highest first week of TV viewing for the league since 2012.

TV Networks Add 20% More On-Air Program Promos In Q3

Since the last half of September through Dec. 29, broadcast and cable networks placed 1.8 million program promo airings, up 20% over the same period a year ago (1.5 million), according to
This year that amounted to 286 billion impressions, versus 305.6 billion impressions a year ago.

Our 2020 Coverage Emphasized ‘Right,’ Not ‘Left’

Since it’s the end of an epic year of political discord, I ran a quantitative analysis of MediaPost’s editorial bias. Here’s what I found.

Why Short-Form Ads Work: Because They Always Have

Short-form advertising on linear TV has been an effective and cost saving tool of smart advertisers for years and will continue to be even as content and channel distribution continue to expand on new

Most Covered Terms Of 2020: ‘COVID-19,’ ‘Digital,’ ‘Personalization,’ ‘Meaningful’

In terms of MediaPost coverage, “COVID-19” was the word-of-the-year during 2020. With 5,393 article references during the past year, it ranked higher than the next most cited word we published —
“digital” (5,318) — based on an arbitrary analysis of discrete, relevant terms using our advanced internal search engine.

TikTok: How to Turn on Data Saver

Did you know TikTok has a Data Saver feature? When you turn this feature on, the TikTok application will use less cellular data when you’re not connected to Wi-Fi. Specifically, you may see videos at a lower resolution, and they may take longer to load. Our guide will show you how to turn on the…

Politics, Pandemic, Industry Departures Were Our Most-Read Subjects Of 2020

Politics and pandemic loomed large in the minds of MediaPost’s readers during 2020, making stories covering those subjects the most read of the year. Our March 6th Marketing Politics Weekly story
“President No longer Favored To Win Reelection, Biden Now Tied At Even Money” was No. 1.