Hat In Hand, Lincoln Project Says Upcoming Midterms ‘Most Consequential’ Ever

With Trump gone from office, the LP has its sights set on its next mission-the 2022 elections and more specifically thwarting any attempted gains by Trump loyalists.

Republicans Question Tech Companies Over Parler Takedowns

“The timing of steps taken against the Parler social network by your companies and that the actions seem to lack any of the procedural fairness typically afforded in the case of an alleged breach of
contract create the appearance of close coordination,” Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) and Rep. Ken Buck (Colorado) say in a letter to Google, Apple and Amazon.

Nissan Taps Into Brand Heritage While Promising ‘Thrills’ During NCAA Tournament

While most major automakers are focusing their marketing efforts on their embrace of electric vehicles, Nissan is taking a look back at the brand’s early EV development and showing what’s to come. Nissan plans to roll out 10 new models over the next 20 months, but the goal goes beyond touting new lines of cars….

Twitter: How to Add Stickers to Fleets

Twitter introduced the ability this week for users to add stickers to Fleets, its disappearing tweets. Our guide will show you how this is done. Note: These screenshots were captured in the Twitter application on iOS. Step 1: Once you’ve taken or uploaded a photo or video in Fleets, tap the stickers icon (the smiling…

Transaction Data Is the Most Powerful Predictor of Future Behavior

It may be a marketing clich? that “most customers are predictable.” But like most sayings with staying power, the phrase is true: Past behavior is, indeed, the best predictor of customers’ future behavior. Movie lovers will stay movie lovers, even while media and delivery mechanisms may change (e.g., jumping from theater to Blu-ray to streaming…

Apple Clamps Down on IDFA Workarounds

With Apple’s industry-altering software update, iOS 14.5, fast approaching, the tech giant is already clamping down on companies trying to build workarounds to its stringent privacy changes. Apple has rejected app updates from developers whose apps included a set of digital tools called a software development kit (SDK) from Adjust, according to multiple sources. Apple…

The Flame of Creativity: A Look at the Burger King Work Produced During Fernando Machado’s Reign

Standing on the stage of a Manhattan cinema in 2019, Fernando Machado, the poster child for the marketing sector of the last 7 years, said a campaign for Burger King (BK) once made him “want to throw up in my mouth.” The campaign he was referring to was a 2012 ad featuring Aerosmith frontman Steven…