What Inflation Costs Workers
Biden’s Operation Snail Speed on Covid Therapies
Saved by a Pig’s Heart
The Case for Grayscale Mode
Omicron Has Killed Certitude
Twitter Releases IDEA Annual Report for 2021
Twitter’s Inclusion & Diversity team is now the IDEA team–inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility–and the company released its IDEA Annual Report for 2021 Wednesday. Women now represent 44.5% of Twitter’s global workforce, up from 42.7% at the end of 2020. Black representation on the company’s U.S. workforce rose to 9.3% from 6.9% during the same…
Who Needs a Self-Help Guru? Just Watch Your Dog for Healthy Lifestyle Cues
In the quest to better ourselves, especially at the beginning of a new calendar year, we could turn to self-help books, life coaches or TikTok tutorials. But inspiration might be closer than we think–in fact, right under our own roofs, according to The Farmer’s Dog and its new resolution-themed campaign. The work, from the fast-growing…
Three Days a Week in the Office Isn’t Workplace Flexibility
Babies born. Pregnancies lost. IVF. Surrogacy. Life-changing medical events: emergencies, chronic and terminal illness, parental care and bereavement. Coming out. Love. Marriage. Pets. Moving homes. Changing schools. Changing country. This is a snapshot of the past 18 months for me, my family, my friends and my colleagues. And that’s not even directly taking into account…
The Future Of Retail Media Platforms Will Split From Walled Gardens, Says IRI’s Pelino
The retail media craze kicked into hyperdrive in the past year. Because of the pandemic, the number of people ordering groceries online for the first time skyrocketed, but the trend was already underway. The rush of retailers into the programmatic platform business meant they tended to follow the playbook laid out by the by the… Continue reading »
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