Social distancing has arrived in the metaverse. Meta said Friday that it added a Personal Boundary feature to Horizon Worlds and Horizon Venues for its Meta Quest 2 virtual reality headsets. Personal Boundary will make it feel like there is nearly four feet of space between avatars, giving people more personal space in the virtual…
Twitter Goes on NFT Shopping Spree
Twitter has been shopping for nonfungible tokens. When the social network extended the ability for subscribers to its Twitter Blue service to use NFTs as profile pictures last month, it also posted a tweet encouraging artists to share their NFTs in the comments. gm, looking for an nft pfp — Twitter (@Twitter) January 20, 2022…
How High Impact CTV Makes Ads More Engaging, Relevant — and Unmissable
By Todd Cohen, Vice President of National Video/CTV Strategy at Undertone This article is sponsored by Undertone. The first TV commercial aired 80 years ago. The 10-second ad cost only $9 and looked every bit the price. It included shaky camera work and five sparse words: “America runs on Bulova time.” Advertising has changed significantly… Continue reading »
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This Map Guides Travelers to Where Black Communities Thrive
For Black-owned businesses, the pandemic was only the latest obstacle in a line of systemic barriers to success. However, Black-owned lifestyle platform and travel brand Black & Abroad is creating substantial ways to help these businesses thrive. Black & Abroad’s new data-driven domestic travel platform, The Black Elevation Map, takes cultural data–including Black population figures,…
The Wall Street Journal Grew Digital Subscriptions 19% to 2.9 Million
The Wall Street Journal, one of several Dow Jones titles owned by News Corp., announced Thursday evening that its total subscription numbers grew 12% to 3.6 million over the last quarter, and its digital subscriptions grew 19% to 2.9 million. The news puts The Journal within striking distance of crossing the 3 million digital subscriptions…
Sports, Politics and Brands: A Volatile Mix at the Olympic Games
No sooner had Novak Djokovic–the world’s top-ranked tennis player and a favorite to win the 2022 Australian Open–been turned away from the tournament after a protracted fight over being unvaccinated than all eyes turned to Lacoste. The iconic French sportswear brand and marquee sponsor of the tennis star was now in the hot seat after…
Hennessy, Maluma Collaborate on Limited-Edition Bottle That Celebrates Latinx Culture
In an effort to bring Latinx culture to the forefront, Hennessy collaborated with Colombian singer-songwriter Maluma to release a limited edition bottle, Hennessy V.S.O.P 2022, designed by the singer himself. This comes after a four-year-long standing partnership between the brand and the artist and is seen as an opportunity to show their shared passion for…
Pringles Moves On From ‘Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop’ Slogan
Potato chip brand Pringles aims to rewrite history as it explains in its latest campaigns that humans evolved simply to eat the cylindrically packaged potato snack, which features an evolution of its own. Created by Grey, the campaign introduced “Mind Popping,” the first brand positioning refresh since its “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop” slogan…