How a Digital Dachshund Named Superdackel Got the Gig as a Mercedes Brand Mascot

A company’s heritage is often a reliable incubator for its mascots. When Borden sought to convince consumers that pasteurized milk was safe to drink during the 1930s, for instance, the smiling face of Elsie the cow made the sale. And KFC’s Colonel Sanders (you know, the smiling elderly gent with glasses and a white goatee?)…

Media Agencies Call on Marketers to Change Their Digital Strategies

Most senior media agency professionals want their clients to invest in emerging media and explore new digital channels this year. With global advertising spend forecast to slow this year from record levels of spend and the rising cost of digital media spend, marketers will be scrutinizing where their budgets are going all the more. According…

HBO’s ‘The Last Of Us’ Is First Post-Apocalyptic Drama Of 2023

As far as TV is concerned, the times call for dramas depicting our planet after world-destroying cataclysms that many are imagining now.

In the Super Bowl, GQ Sports Eyes Its Met Gala Moment

This week, the GQ franchise GQ Sports announced the launch of its first consumer event, a one-night celebration tied to the Super Bowl called the GQ Sports Style Hall of Fame, an effort that will strengthen the experiential portfolio of Cond? Nast and draw more brands’ sports marketing budgets. The event, which takes place in…

Clean Rooms Alone Won’t Solve TV Measurement

TV industry execs talked clean rooms at CES – including their ironic lack of interoperability. Advertisers will need more than just clean rooms to solve for measurement.

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Martin Sorrell Puts 2022 in the Rearview and Looks Toward ‘Faster, Better, More Efficient’ 2023

Martin Sorrell brought along about 40 of his monks to Las Vegas last week. The founder and executive chairman of S4 Capital, the parent company of integrated agency Media.Monks, says a return to CES allowed for valuable face time with clients and partners. 50% of revenue is driven by tech clients including Meta, Logitech, Amazon…

Why a 1960s Housewife’s Idea for Weight Loss Still Works

According to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 41% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, losing weight usually tops the list. So it’s little surprise that January and February are heady months for WW, also known as WW. “It’s a fresh start to the year. People start to think about their goals…