Showrunner and executive producer Annabel Oakes didn’t want to revive Grease. When streaming service Paramount+ approached Oakes with the idea of creating a TV series based on IP from the 1978 film, her response was immediate. “I thought, ‘No! It’s absolutely perfect. It’s an important part of my and so many other people’s childhoods. I…
How Adobe Became One of America’s Most Valuable Tech Companies | The Economics Of | WSJ
Sam Adams Uses Frigid Dunk Tank Taste Test to Hype Non-Alcoholic Beer
Eight discerning beer lovers, gathered recently in Boston, were so confident in their palates that they were willing to do a taste test while sitting above an outdoor dunk tank filled with frigid suds. If they failed to pick out the booze-free drink amid full-strength brews, into the icy liquid they would go. Temperature on…
Disjointed Industry Committee
The major networks announced a joint industry committee (JIC) this morning to certify the currency advertisers pay them for. Except it’s actually not a JIC, just another supply-wide effort to grade
its own homework.
its own homework.
Brazil Gets a Democracy Test
Political leaders across the spectrum denounce riots in Brasilia.
The Disorganized GOP and Other Signs of the Great Inversion
Republicans are the party of the working class; the left opposes free speech. Everything is topsy-turvy.
Let’s Talk About Brand Podcast: Brand Positioning With Todd Irwin
If you don’t have brand positioning, you won’t have a brand for long. But what is brand positioning, and what are some of its most important elements? Let’s Talk About Brand Podcast: How Brands Can Build Trust Todd Irwin, the founder and chief strategy officer of Fazer, helps brands strategize their positioning all the time–and…
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for Mon, 09 Jan 2023
Dilbert by Scott Adams for Mon, 09 Jan 2023
Instagram to Remove Shop Tab from App Navigation Bar
The Shop tab will no longer appear on the navigation bar at the bottom of the Instagram application, starting next month. Instagram said it has been testing the redesign for the past few months, and the shortcut for creating content will now appear in the center, with Reels to the right and home, search and…