When It Comes to Measurement, the Ad Industry Can Follow the FDA’s Lead

The ad industry continues to face seemingly endless challenges when it comes to accurately measuring the performance of digital campaigns. In an age where ad spend has been cut to account for economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to understand the pitfalls of the metrics you rely on, including and especially cost per acquisition…

Brave Commerce Podcast: Disruptive Marketing Strategies and Building a Strong Brand Community

In this episode of Brave Commerce, Hamid Saify, senior vice president of digital retail at Liquid Death, joins hosts Rachel Tipograph and Sarah Hofstetter to discuss marketing strategies that disrupt traditional ecommerce markets. Hamid shares that Liquid Death’s exceptional success lies in taking a basic product like water and marketing it with the same energetic…

What Are Prediction Markets And Why Should You Care?

The wisdom of crowds theory says that if you total people’s insights, the combined wisdom of the crowd will render forecasts that are close to actual outcomes.