May the Fourth Era of Advertising Be With You

In a rapidly evolving landscape, accurately predicting the future of online advertising is no easy task. Four years ago, I wrote an article for Adweek outlining the emergence of the fourth era of online advertising, characterized by media transactions on online platforms with a focus on data privacy. Looking back, some predictions were on point,…

3 Key Themes That Incapsulate the Evolution of Influence

In today’s interconnected world, social media platforms are the new town squares where creators and influencers hold court. And even in the relatively short amount of time that influencers have been around, the dynamics of influence have undergone a profound transformation. Power has shifted from traditional gatekeepers to everyday individuals who have mastered the art…

From Media Maven to Fandom CMO: Unveiling the Journey of Stephanie Fried

In the world of media, fandom and gaming, Stephanie Fried’s journey is nothing short of remarkable. With a career spanning prestigious names like NBC, VEVO, Discovery, and Conde Nast, Fried’s trajectory in the media landscape has been characterized by innovation, passion and a deep understanding of what makes fans tick. As the chief marketing officer…

Meta Seeks New Hearing In Battle Former Ad-Targeting Options

Meta Platforms is asking a federal appellate court for a new hearing in a lawsuit brought by users who claim Facebook’s former ad-targeting options violated laws against discrimination.