The Big Story: Finding Holes In The Privacy Sandbox
With the end of the cookie just months away, it’s (beyond) time to figure out if the replacement will work. In a gap analysis by the IAB Tech Lab, which tested Google’s Privacy Sandbox with 44 different use cases for advertising, the APIs came up short. At least for now. Can the current Privacy Sandbox […]
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Apple CEO Asks ‘Where’s Usher?’ In Super Bowl Halftime Teaser
Why advertisers must address attention first to optimize privacy-friendly targeting
Mark Slade, vice president of brand, Digital Turbine
Advertisers are hyper-focused on the next wave of mobile ad targeting. Without immediate action, however, research shows that even if they meet the challenge of navigating Google’s Privacy Sandbox later this year, they’ll still be wasting 65% of their ad spend. Meanwhile, savvy advertisers who shift their focus to targeting for consumer attention today can boost ad effectiveness by 300%.
Finding the right audience is a persistent challenge in the privacy era. But it’s only half the battle. If an ideal consumer ignores an ad, the result is the same as putting an ad in front of the wrong person entirely — i.e., wasted ad spending. Advertisers striving to reach the right audience succeed more often when considering audience attention. And that is a tactic they can address now.
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Disney Bets On Bundling And Sports To Score Profitability
Disney is starting off the year with subscriber losses. But the Mouse House says it’s all part of the plan.
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Is Your Marketing Technology Future-Ready?
New year, same conversation. Generative AI exploded onto the scene more than a year ago, and now you can’t go an hour without a new announcement about AI. While AI isn’t new, the introduction of generative AI has brought about the art of possibility. It brought what seems impossible within arm’s reach. Suddenly content at […]
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