Shrinking budgets leave programmatic marketers with a raw deal

Programmatic advertising — at least the open marketplace part of it — might be turning into the forgotten child of the marketing industry.

Chalk it up to a few reasons: Ad budgets are spread thin across channels these days. That means clients aren’t keen on dishing out enough cash for all the ad tech tools, staff time and commissions needed for programmatic buying. 

Plus, they’re already facing challenges with generative AI, burnout from Google’s hurry up and wait (again) cookie deprecation, measurement, inventory and the list goes on.

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FullThrottle.AI creates audience planner tool using an AI assistant

AI and data company FullThrottle.AI is developing an audience targeting tool for media agencies using a generative AI assistant, Digiday has learned.

The audience planner product allows agencies to find and target audiences and create plans by chatting on the platform — in the style of ChatGPT and other AI chatbots. The AI tool leverages the user’s first- and third-party data to identify their audiences using their targeted criteria. With the ongoing move to deprecate cookies, platforms like FullThrottle.AI are hoping agencies will use their alternatives to get value out of their data.

FullThrottle.AI, which focuses on generating first-party household data for agencies and brands without using cookies, expects the audience tool will help simplify the media planning process by cutting down on time used to reach household-level audiences. When users input their queries and business goals into the platform, it should generate a draft audience plan based on the content and FullThrottle.AI partners, which include cable provider Spectrum and audio firm iHeartMedia.

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WTF is app sprawl (and how does HR get organized)?

This story was first published by Digiday sibling WorkLife

Picking what workplace apps to use, keeping them streamlined, training employees on how to use them, and knowing when to introduce a new one is no small responsibility.

Sifting the hundreds of thousands of tech products available to create the best tech stack that makes sense for your workplace and ensuring it’s future-proofed, is time-consuming. And with AI products in particular evolving so quickly – at times, overwhelming.

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Digiday+ Research: Publishers continue to rely on programmatic revenue, despite recent issues

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Programmatic marketing has its fair share of issues (just ask those who attended the recent Digiday Programmatic Marketing Summit or read our latest coverage on made-for-advertising sites). But the fact is that marketers remain invested in the channel and publishers continue to depend on the revenue they get from programmatic advertising.

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How Klarna is using AI for cost savings, changing ‘extremely frustrating’ creative processes

Klarna, the buy now and pay later fintech company, believes that using AI is already helping it with cost savings in marketing.

The company estimates that using AI in marketing has accounted for a 37% cost savings of roughly $10 million per year. Klarna has started to use AI for ideation, image creation and translation efforts to create more personalized campaigns for consumers across its 45 markets.

Throughout the first quarter of 2024, Klarna used AI to generate 1,000 images using generative AI tools like Firefly, Midjourney and DALL-E. During that same time period, Klarna decreased its spending by 25% on external marketing suppliers responsible for services like translation, production CRM as well as social agencies.

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Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up

Liz Reid, Google’s head of search, said in a blog post that the company had made adjustments to its new AI search feature after screenshots of its errors went viral.

Facebook Users Go For Celebrity Gossip, Want Less Political Content In Feed: Report

Meta’s latest “Widely Viewed Content Report” for Facebook shows a shift in which domains, articles, posts and videos users are interacting with most on the tech giant’s original social media platform.
Most obvious is the move away from in-feed political content, an obsession with Hollywood gossip and interest in videos that have since been removed.

WeWork Survived Bankruptcy. Now It Has to Make Coworking Pay Off

The troubled company is back from the brink, but will emerge from bankruptcy to a world where coworking’s long-term future is much less certain.