French authorities detained Durov to question him as part of a probe into a wide range of alleged violations—including money laundering and CSAM—but it remains unclear if he will face charges.
Telegram CEO Arrested, Accused Of Failure To Prevent In-App Criminal Activity
Pavel is accused of failing to moderate content related to child pornography and drug trafficking, abetting organized crime transactions and fraud on Telegram and refusing to share information or
documents with investigators when required by law.
documents with investigators when required by law.
Alphabet’s Worth Without Google Search
TD Cowen Analyst John Blackledge valued each Alphabet businesses as if they were separated from the company, as the DOJ decides the fate of Google.
Secret Deodorant, Beetlejuice Know Where the Bodies Are Buried
Making a commercial product-heavy, talking about the benefits in a very straightforward way, when the user is a poltergeist, is comedy gold.
Transportation Engineer Tries to Fix This Iconic Traffic Chokepoint | WSJ Pro Perfected
Ad Market Jumps 14% In July, Strongest Yet In 15-Month Expansion
The U.S. ad market got its third quarter off on a very high note, posting a nearly 14% year-over-year expansion in July. That compares with a nearly 7% expansion for the same month a year ago,
indicating the double-digit gains aren’t about easy comps, but signal material growth.
indicating the double-digit gains aren’t about easy comps, but signal material growth.
Recovery Is An Asset, Not A Liability
As a recovering alcoholic, I understand the role feelings play in shaping our decisions in what I call the “emotion economy.” It’s a form of currency that matters as much as dollar signs and other
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for Mon, 26 Aug 2024
Comscore Audience Data Will Now Be Available In FreeWheel’s Platform
On Monday, FreeWheel announced the integration of Proximic by Comscore’s contextual audience data directly into its ad management platform.
The post Comscore Audience Data Will Now Be Available In FreeWheel’s Platform appeared first on AdExchanger.
Israel Is Buying Google Ads to Discredit the UN’s Top Gaza Aid Agency
The UNRWA calls Israel’s strategy of promoting alleged misinformation “destructive.”