Trump’s Lawyer Sues BuzzFeed, but What Does That Mean in a Post-Gawker Media Landscape?

On Jan. 9, Michael Cohen–President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer–filed a pair defamation lawsuits against BuzzFeed and research firm Fusion GPS for publishing a document alleging that Trump’s presidential campaign had unsanctioned meetings with Russian operatives. Last year, BuzzFeed published a 35-page dossier that “includes specific, unverified and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between Trump aides…

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WSJ CMO Summary from Lara O’Reilly

news about Logan Paul and YT moving him off their Preferred list of content providers and more news about publishers looking for measurement alternatives to what has traditionally been used.

YouTube Drops Logan Paul From Google Preferred Ad Platform After ‘Suicide Forest’ Video

YouTube has broken some direct business ties with one of its biggest stars, Logan Paul, 10 days after Paul uploaded “We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest…” to his 15 million subscribers. The video, which Paul initially called “a moment in YouTube history,” quickly drew sharp criticism for its offensive, voyeuristic treatment…

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CES Unplugged: Power Goes Out at High-Tech Showcase

The lights went out at the nation’s premier consumer-technology conference, the annual CES show in Las Vegas, leaving thousands of attendees and a legion of shiny gadgets in the dark.

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Across countries, large demographic divides in how often people use the internet and social media for news

People in 38 countries were asked how often they use the internet – as well as how often they use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and other sites – to get news.

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News media rated highest for covering important issues, lowest for reporting on politics fairly

Explore the data on how publics across 38 countries think their news media are doing on issues like reporting the news accurately.

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Publics Globally Want Unbiased News Coverage, but Are Divided on Whether Their News Media Deliver

A global median of 75% want their news media to be unbiased when covering political issues, yet many say the news media do a poor job of reporting on political issues fairly.

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Read This Before Posting Images or Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day

As Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaches, social media and community managers for brands big and small are thinking about posting quotes and images of King in reverence to his amazing legacy. Here are a few things to think about before scheduling that post hitting the send button. According to The Washington Post, “All of…

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U.S. vs. AT&T: A Court Fight Over Future of TV

Preparations for the legal fight over AT&T’s $85 billion Time Warner takeover suggest the antitrust case will focus heavily on the small screen, drawing much of its evidence from the companies’ video rivals.

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YouTube Cancels Projects With Logan Paul, Removes Him From ‘Preferred’ Channel List

In a statement, YouTube said it was removing Paul’s channel, which has more than 15 million subscribers, from its Google Preferred program. Google Preferred features only the top 5% of channels, and
is where many premium advertisers focus their ad spend on YouTube, typically buying space at a higher CPM than regular channels.

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