Ruslan Salakhutdinov – Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ruslan Salakhutdinov - Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ruslan Salakhutdinov is a professor of computer science at the Carnegie Mellon University and director of AI research at Apple.

Paper by Emilio Parisotto and Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Recorded: December 9th, 2017

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DeepMind – Safe Artificial Intelligence – Victoria Krakovna

DeepMind - Safe Artificial Intelligence - Victoria Krakovna
There are many types of interpretability, from identifying influential features and data points to learning disentangled representations. Which of these are the most relevant for building safe AI systems? We will examine how different safety problems benefit from different types of interpretability, and what questions interpretability researchers can focus on to contribute to advancing AI safety.
Recorded: December 9th, 2017

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Did You Know: Selling Data in the Lotame Data Exchange

Did You Know: Selling Data in the Lotame Data Exchange
We know how important data protection and privacy is for our clients and prospects.

So, when we hear things like, “Lotame will steal your data and place it in their Data Exchange” and “you won’t be paid properly”, we want to take the time to set the record straight.

Lotame is not in the business of stealing client data.

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Did You Know: Selling Your Data Through the Lotame Data Exchange

Did You Know: Selling Your Data Through the Lotame Data Exchange
We know how important data protection and privacy is for our clients and prospects.

So, when we hear things like, “Lotame will steal your data and place it in their Data Exchange” and “you won’t be paid properly”, we want to take the time to set the record straight.

Lotame is not in the business of stealing client data.

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Did You Know: Data Perishability

Did You Know: Data Perishability
FACT: Lotame can store data up to 13 months. FACT: Lotame does NOT steal your data and place it in our Data Exchange. FACT: Lotame was the FIRST to market with a 2nd-Party Data solution

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Sir Roger Penrose – From Cosmology to Consciousness – Conformal Cyclic Cosmology

Sir Roger Penrose - From Cosmology to Consciousness - Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Sir Roger Penrose explains the impact of his time at Cambridge in the 1950s and the recent developments in Roger Penrose’s thought. The interview brings out his highly unconventional choice of subjects for deep study, which completely ignored the boundary between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ mathematics. Those familiar with his world-leading development of relativity theory in the 1960s may be surprised to learn how much he was influenced by quantum theory in the 1950s, and also by the early origin of his new ideas.

Roger Penrose explains the influence of Dirac, Sciama and other leading figures of the 1950s, and goes on to characterise the emergence of twistor theory.

Recorded: 2016

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Sean Carroll – Finding Meaning in the Chaos of the Cosmos

Sean Carroll - Finding Meaning in the Chaos of the Cosmos
Sean Carroll is a cosmologist and physics professor specializing in dark energy and general relativity. He is a research professor in the Department of Physics at the California Institute of Technology

Recorded May, 2017

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