Stephen Hawking – The Nature of Black Holes

Stephen Hawking - The Nature of Black Holes
Professor Hawking examines scientific thinking about black holes and challenges the idea that all matter and information is destroyed irretrievably within them. He explains his own hypothesis that black holes may emit a form of radiation, now known as Hawking Radiation. He discusses the search for mini black holes, noting that so far “no-one has found any, which is a pity because if they had, I would have got a Nobel Prize.” And he advances a theory that information may remain stored within black holes in a scrambled form.

Recorded: Jan 2016

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Prof. Robert Sapolsky – The Neuroscience Behind Behavior

Prof. Robert Sapolsky - The Neuroscience Behind Behavior
Robert Sapolsky is an American neuroendocrinologist and author. He is currently a professor of biology, and professor of neurology and neurological sciences and, by courtesy, neurosurgery, at Stanford University.

Recorded: May 2017

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The Future of Human Civilization – Cyborgs, AI & The Posthuman Era – Prof. Martin Rees

The Future of Human Civilization - Cyborgs, AI & The Posthuman Era - Prof. Martin Rees
“Here on Earth, I suspect that we are going to want to regulate the application of genetic modification and cyborg techniques on grounds of ethics and prudence. This links with another topic I want to come to later about the risks of new technology. If we imagine these people living as pioneers on Mars, they are out of range of any terrestrial regulation. Moreover, they’ve got a far higher incentive to modify themselves or their descendants to adapt to this very alien and hostile environment.

They will use all the techniques of genetic modification, cyborg techniques, maybe even linking or downloading themselves into machines, which, fifty years from now, will be far more powerful than they are today. The posthuman era is probably not going to start here on Earth; it will be spearheaded by these communities on Mars. ” – Martin Rees

Martin John Reesis a British cosmologist and astrophysicist. He has been Astronomer Royal since 1995 and was Master of Trinity College, Cambridge from 2004 to 2012 and President of the Royal Society between 2005 and 2010.

Recorded: July 2017

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